The New Year And The New Evangelization

As we approach secular New Year celebrations, we might take a moment to reflect on the ever-present need to bring the Gospel to a world whose citizens are in constant need of hope and of the assurance that they are capable of giving and receiving authentic love.

The necessity of prayer and acceptance of God's invitation to newness of life.

To be able to adopt and realize a new way of thinking and being requires an ongoing willingness to change, to encounter the truth about oneself in a world that provides many shallow alternatives to Jesus' way of truth, goodness and beauty.  The path to renewal depends on cooperation with God, Who loves you and Who provides you with the grace - His very life and loving power - to help you be restored to communion with Him.  That communion is a relationship of love.  God informs the heart and mind and draws us into His embrace.  Through prayer and formation in His word, the voice of God speaking in and through Holy Scripture, we come to know God and His will for us.  We encounter God in the worship God Himself has provided us, the Holy Mass, also known as Divine Worship or the Holy Eucharist, wherein we encounter God present: in and through His word (the Word of God; Scripture); and sacrament (Eucharist; the Real Presence); in those gathered in Jesus' Name (the assembly of the faithful; the congregation; see Matthew 18:20); in the priest ordained by God to celebrate the Mass (Catechism of the Catholic Church 1088), who embodies the presence of Christ during the Mass.

Encouragement to endure the Cross

Change can be (and usually is) painful when one has been immersed in a destructive lifestyle and in pride or ignorance or is in the company of fair-weather friends who reinforce disordered ways of thinking and behaving.  Often the call to a new life requires one to confront the cross of rejection by one's peers and coworkers, who sense a positive change but who themselves still cling to some form of restraint or negative bias.  Immersion in prayer for mercy, for the strength to persevere in the truth, is essential for the soul to gain confidence. Reaching out to God in love and trust is as simple as saying with one's whole heart, "Jesus, I trust in Thee."

Central to the concept of repentance is the understanding of God's mercy.  The act of confessing sins and seeking forgiveness is seen as an act of trust in God's loving and forgiving nature.  Pope John Paul II emphasized that confession is an act of honesty and courage, where individuals entrust themselves to the mercy of a loving God.  This trust is crucial, as it allows the penitent to experience the transformative power of God's grace, which is essential for true repentance. | 13 September 1987, Mass for the faithful of Saint Antonio, Texas 6 | Pope Saint John Paul II

Repentance is not a one-time event but an ongoing process that reflects a continual call to conversion throughout one's faith journey.  The Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops notes that contrition and conversion are essential to the process of reconciliation, indicating that this journey is integral to living a life in Christ.  The call to repentance is echoed in the Gospels, where Jesus invites individuals to "repent, and believe in the good news" (Mark 1:15) as a means of entering into the fullness of God's Kingdom. | The Sacrament of Reconciliation: A Theological and Pastoral Reflection for the Ministers of the Sacrament 8 | Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops (CCCB)

Repentance in Catholic theology is a profound and transformative process that involves sorrow for sin, a commitment to change, and a return to God's grace.  It is essential for reconciliation with God and is nourished by the hope in His mercy.  The Church teaches that true repentance leads to a renewed life in Christ, fostering spiritual growth and a deeper relationship with God.  Through the Sacrament of Penance, individuals are invited to experience this grace, allowing them to move forward in their faith journey with renewed strength and purpose. | CCCB

Seeing oneself in the mirror of change.

Confidence in the Christian Way is accompanied by positive signs of transformation and improvement: a growth in patience and loving kindness; forgiveness for past wrongs; peace in the midst of adversity; a passion for truth and understanding; love for Jesus and the sacraments; and other virtues.  Transformation in Christ is manifested by a growth in holiness, in closeness to God, in love for God and neighbour.

John 14:15-17 | If you love me, you will keep my commandments.  And I will pray the Father, and he will give you another Counselor, to be with you for ever, even the Spirit of truth, whom the world cannot receive, because it neither sees him nor knows him; you know him, for he dwells with you, and will be in you.

John 14:21 | He who has my commandments and keeps them, he it is who loves me; and he who loves me will be loved by my Father, and I will love him and manifest myself to him.

Called to Mission

For those of us given the mission to share the Good News of Jesus Christ for the freedom of man from destructive thought and action, and from despair, we must pray for the grace to be able to offer the hope that is within us (1 Peter 3:15).  That mission to serve God's will as believers 'in' but not 'of' the world has been given renewed impetus under recent popes.  That agenda is called the New Evangelization, and all baptized Christians are called to that mission for the salvation of souls.

What is the New Evangelization?

Some folk - shocked at clergy abuse and wearied by liturgical irregularities - might be provoked to say that the idea of a new evangelization died with its author, Pope Saint John Paul II (the Great).  Given evident fruit to the contrary, that summary judgement could prove embarrassing to those who are drawn to such a conclusion.

It might be more useful to those prone to impatience and anger to acknowledge the new evangelization as an emerging trend identified by Pope Saint John Paul II (the Great) and fed by Pope Benedict XVI by providing a theological framework that yielded, for example, the Personal Ordinariates to welcome separated brethren as groups into the Church.  Time and analysis will determine the degree to which Pope Francis has participated in the renewed mission to save souls.

Time On Task

The ability to recognize the ascension of the new evangelization requires a sense of nuance and an ability to think in terms of decades and beyond, beyond the stunted mind-span conditioned by contemporary social media.  Proof of docility and attunement to the action of the Holy Ghost requires more proof than the empty emotionalism of some self-serving charismatic preacher or group gassed-up on pop music in mega spaces.  Many times the Church has been challenged to adopt a project or innovation, a new group or methodology, and in time has come to identify a group or methodology as heterodox and unhealthy at best and heretical and dangerous and therefore diabolical at worst.  Some groups or ideologies continue to distract Catholics and place them on the road to perdition.  And after all, no one makes a better heretic than a proud and determined Catholic.

Unifying believers in faithfulness to Jesus' commands, Christ-like sacrificial love, thinking with the Church (sentire cum ecclesia),... the believer who claims the Holy Ghost as his or her inspiration and justification for his or her actions is known by such fruit.

New in its ardour, methods, and expression.

"New evangelization" refers to the Church's renewed efforts to share the good news of Jesus Christ, particularly in areas where the faith has experienced marginalization or has lost some of its vigor.  Pope Saint John Paul II (the Great) has described this endeavour as "new in its ardour, methods, and expression".  In addition to reaching out to people who have never heard the Gospel, the new evangelization aims to re-engage people who have fallen away from the Faith and/or who live in a secularized society.

Historical Context

The effort to evangelize arose in response to the challenges posed by secularization, dechristianization, and the cultural shifts that have led to a decline in traditional Christian values, even in regions historically rich in faith. 

The Second Vatican Council highlighted the need for the Church to adapt its missionary efforts to the changing cultural landscape, recognizing that the groups among whom the Church operates have undergone significant transformation.

Key Characteristics

Target Audience. The new evangelization primarily focuses on those who have been baptized but no longer practice their faith, as well as those who have never been introduced to the Christian message.  It seeks to rekindle faith in individuals and communities that have become indifferent or hostile to the Gospel.

Methods and Approaches. This initiative emphasizes the use of contemporary methods and expressions to communicate the Gospel effectively.  It encourages creativity in outreach, utilizing modern communication tools and adapting to the cultural contexts of different communities.

    1. engage social media to disseminate information, to engage the imagination, and to foster networks that offer formation in the Faith and Christian prayer
    2. unite, invite and guide people into communion with Jesus Christ and His Church through artistic and cultural institutes and activities that embody truth, goodness and beauty
    3. effect new ecclesial structures, e.g., the Personal Ordinariates established by the apostolic constitution Anglicanorum Coetibus, that build community and bridge people into the Catholic communion to encounter Jesus in Word and Sacrament
    4. invite people to discover the Sacred Liturgy by engaging the whole person and by building authentic relationships with God and neighbour
    5. offer the Sacred Liturgy mindful of the transcendentals of God: truth, goodness and beauty

Spiritual Renewal. A renewed dedication to sharing the Gospel and a strengthening of one's own faith are central to the new evangelization.

Community Involvement. The new evangelization is not solely the responsibility of clergy or designated evangelists; rather, it involves all members of the Church.  The laity, in particular, are seen as vital agents of evangelization.

Focus on Jesus Christ. Central to the new evangelization is the proclamation of the person of Jesus Christ, His teachings, and the salvation He offers.  This focus is essential for making the message compelling and relevant to contemporary audiences.

Challenges and Opportunities

The new evangelization faces significant challenges, including widespread secularism, relativism, and a general indifference towards religious matters.  However, it also presents opportunities for renewal within the Church, encouraging believers to live out the Faith authentically and to witness to the hope and love found in Jesus Christ.


  1. Veritatis Splendor 106 | Pope Saint John Paul II
  2. Ecclesia in America 66 | Pope St John Paul II
  3. To participants in the Plenary Assembly of the Pontifical Council for Promoting New Evangelization (May 30, 2011) | Pope Benedict XVI
  4. Apostolic Letter "Motu Proprio data" Ubicumque et semper by which His Holiness Benedict XVI establishes the Pontifical Council for Promoting New Evangelization (21 September 2010) Introduction | Pope Benedict XVI
  5. Africae Munus 160 | Pope Benedict XVI
  6. Ecclesia in Medio Oriente 85 | Pope Benedict XVI
  7. Africae Munus 171 | Pope Benedict XVI
  8. Novo Millennio Ineunte 40 | Pope St John Paul II
  9. Apostolic Journey to Jamaica: Eucharistic Concelebration at the national stadium of Kingston (10 August 1993) 5 | Pope St John Paul II
Tangible Signs
  1. National Evangelization Team (NET Canada | To challenge young Catholics to love Christ and embrace the life of the Church. It is accomplished by: Proclaiming the Gospel of Christ through a personal witness of faith; Inviting young people to live for Christ; Forming young people in Christian character through the study and practice of our faith; Equipping youth workers and young adults with the ministry skills needed for evangelization.
  2. The Personal Ordinariates (Anglicanorum Coetibus) The primary mission of the Ordinariate of the Chair of Saint Peter is evangelization. The Ordinariate exists for those who are and who will be coming into full communion with the Catholic Church. Through the reverence and beauty of our worship, study of sacred Scripture and charity for those in need, we desire to share the joy of being Roman Catholic!
  3. The Dominican Sisters of Mary, Mother of the Eucharist A New Community for a New Millennium. We are a recent addition to the spiritual family of St. Dominic. We honor the centuries-old Dominican tradition while also fully embracing St. John Paul II’s call to a New Evangelization.
  4. Sisters of Life The Sisters of Life are women who are in love with Love – Love incarnate, crucified, and Risen – and captivated by the truth of the beauty of every human person, created in God’s image and likeness.
  5. Catholic Answers Search the world's largest database of answers about the beliefs and practices of the Catholic faith. Learn more about Catholicism through articles, books, videos and more.
  6. Catholic Christian Outreach (CCO) CCO is a Catholic movement raising up Christ-centred, Spirit-filled leaders to evangelize the world one person at a time.
  7. Saint Paul Center The St. Paul Center equips you to grow in Christian discipleship through Digital Courses, Scripture Studies, Events, Books, and more.
  8. Benedict XVI Institute The Benedict XVI Institute for Sacred Music and Divine Worship’s unique mission is to open the door of Beauty to God. We pursue this mission through two great strategies: providing practical resources for more beautiful and reverent liturgies and energizing a Catholic culture of the arts.
  9. EWTN By providing quality programming faithful to the teachings of the Catholic Church, EWTN is television that viewers can trust. Whether its films, documentaries, news coverage or lively discussion shows, we highlight the truth that is the Eternal Word.
  10. Formed Formed brings beautiful and faithful Catholic content to parishes, families, and individuals. There is something for everyone: award-winning studies and parish programs, inspiring audio content, movies, e-books, and family-friendly kids' programming. Led by the Augustine Institute and Ignatius Press, and in collaboration with over 100 content providers, this site reaches more than one million subscribers worldwide.
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