Souls (Th)at Risk
A jolly unkempt Governor Walz about to get a warm hug from his previously clandestine supporters who want to congratulate him with extreme prejudice for his work in Minnesota.
A smarmy Prime Minister Justin Trudeau about to get a pat on the back from his previously clandestine supporters who want to congratulate him with extreme prejudice for his work in Parliament.
The budget will balance itself. Justin Trudeau, Toronto Sun interview, February 2015
Nancy Pelosi, looking wide-eyed and probably a little high, receives a visit from her erstwhile covert followers who wish to congratulate her with extreme prejudice for her work in Congress.
We have to pass the bill for you to find out what’s in it. Nancy Pelosi
A haggard-looking Joe Biden gets a visit from his previously clandestine supporters who want to warmly congratulate him with extreme prejudice for his presidency.
You know, there’s a uh, during World War II, uh, you know, where Roosevelt came up with a thing uh, that uh, you know, was totally different than a, than the, the, it’s called, he called it the, you know, the World War II, he had the war – the War Production Board. Joe Biden
Behind the scenes at the Demoncratic Democrat National Convention. Kamala's supporters unburdened by what has been.
A typical Democrat controlled city. Admire the happy crowds!
Levity aside, the men and women pushing society closer to a point of no return are at risk of eternal damnation. These people need our prayers, no matter how unlikely it is that they would change their ways and stop promoting a culture of death.
(I)t is appointed for men to die once, and after that comes judgment. Hebrews 9:27
A damned soul languishes in unimaginable pain because he or she has, in this life, chosen to give free reign to evil, and that choice becomes irrevocable upon death. The damned soul suffers in excruciating agony because he himself has placed himself beyond the love of God. There is no room left for God's love in the heart of the person who has committed himself to his own dictatorship of autonomy and isolation in which festers deadly sin.
Ask for God's mercy and for confidence in God's grace. Pray for protection from the actions of badly behaving people. Pray for the conversion of the same. Pray for specific people, that God may provide those possessed by malice and envy and lust every opportunity to abandon their destructive ways and join the company of Christ in loving God and loving neighbour, to work for the common good, solidly configured to the teaching of Jesus Christ.
Call upon Mary, the Mother of God, to intercede for people of goodwill and also for those who torment others, that the latter may turn away from victimizing others.
Call upon Saint Michael, commander of God's army, to defend the innocent and vulnerable.
Holy Michael, Archangel, defend us in the day of battle; be our safeguard against the wickedness and snares of the devil. May God rebuke him we humbly pray, and do thou, Prince of the heavenly host, by the power of God thrust down to hell Satan and all wicked spirits who wander through the world for the ruin of souls. Amen.
Wow, you really called it...