Quotes For August

To speak of the theo-centric character of the Sacred Liturgy or of the ius divinum and the Sacred Liturgy is, in simple terms, to speak of the right relationship between God and His creation, especially man, the only earthly creature created in the image of God Himself. Clearly, such a conversation has to do, first of all, with the Sacred Liturgy as the highest and most perfect expression of the relationship between God and man. There is no other aspect of the life of the Church, in which the truth about God’s relationship with man should be more visible, than the Sacred Liturgy. - Raymond Leo Card. Burke

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The confession of evil works is the first beginning of good works. - Saint Augustine

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If you are not prepared to use force to defend civilization, then be prepared to accept barbarism. - Thomas Sowell, Knowledge and Decisions

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As with music, in contemplative prayer, you have to sacrifice something of yourself; you have to give something of your ego. You can’t enter into the presence of God in a state of defiance and resistance. You must be open to the possibility of being changed through what happens in that silence. - Sir James MacMillan

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H/T Francesca Pollio Fenton | CNA | Eucharistic Congress 2024

Knowledge can make one great; but only love can make you a saint. - Father Mike Schmitz

Your Christianity is not for you. Christianity is not a self-help program, something designed just to make us feel better ourselves. Your Christianity is for the world. - Bishop Robert Barron

You can never have a revival without repentance. - Father Mike Schmitz

Those who choose to stay with Jesus will be sent by Jesus … Let us go to proclaim Jesus zealously and joyfully for the life of the world. - Cardinal Luis Antonio Tagle

Brothers and sisters, we believe that God desires to renew his Church and that this renewal will happen through you. And that in renewing his Church, he will renew the world. - Bishop Andrew Cozzens

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Don't compare yourself with other people; compare yourself with who you were yesterday. - Jordan Peterson


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