Political Seasonings
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Their Golden Bovine |
Socialism is the same as Communism, only better English. George Bernard Shaw
Education is not merely neglected in many of our schools today, but is replaced to a great extent by ideological indoctrination. Thomas Sowell
There is a need for many more people of integrity to enter politics to support their peers who fight the good fight in defence of inalienable rights, to reorder priorities so that life is defended and resilience is enabled, to assert common sense, and to end, for example, policies that rob children of their innocence and to change policies that have turned neighbourhoods into war zones. Childhood innocence has been assaulted by administrators as badly as any abusive actions that are normally condemned. Educators - not all! - who subscribe to a twisted view of human development have participated in grooming children no less than other predators who prey upon children and exploit young people.
Matthew 18:6-7 | (W)hoever causes one of these little ones who believe in me to sin, it would be better for him to have a great millstone fastened round his neck and to be drowned in the depth of the sea. Woe to the world for temptations to sin! For it is necessary that temptations come, but woe to the man by whom the temptation comes!
Democracy only works when people are able to acknowledge and abide by the constitutions that embody national identity. People of faith - Christian Faith - developed the Constitution of the United States of America (1789) and the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms (1982), as well as its predecessor the Canadian Bill of Rights (1960).
I am Canadian, a free Canadian, free to speak without fear, free to worship God in my own way, free to stand for what I think right, free to oppose what I believe wrong, free to choose those who govern my country. This heritage of freedom I pledge to uphold for myself and all mankind. | John Diefenbaker, House of Commons Debates, 1 July 1960
Citizens without a foundation in monotheistic religion, and citizen politicians without the integrity to stand up for foundational Judeo-Christian values, have contributed to the present disfigurement of individuals and societies that has been decades in the making. Few have stood up to the various mind-viruses that have their cursed origins in academic institutions saturated with the relativistic Marxist ideology, the disease that is at the core of so many current tragedies. Those who have stood up to bullies, often their university colleagues, and who have stood up for civilization, have been cancelled and subject to every kind of tribulation.
Those who have suffered loss of employment and reputation at the hands of their peers may take solace in the words of Erwin von Witzleben, an opponent of National Socialism, tried by the notorious Nazi judge Roland Freisler, for his part in the plot to kill Hitler: "You may hand us over to the executioner, but in three months time, the disgusted and harried people will bring you to book and drag you alive through the dirt in the streets." The Reich came to an end, and with it so too Freisler.
On the morning of 3 February 1945, Freisler was conducting a Saturday session of the People's Court when United States Army Air Forces bombers attacked Berlin, led by the B-17 of Lieutenant Colonel Robert Rosenthal. Government and Nazi Party buildings were hit, including the Reich Chancellery, the Gestapo headquarters, the Party Chancellery and the People's Court. Hearing the air raid sirens, Freisler hastily adjourned the court and ordered that the prisoners be taken to an air raid shelter, but stayed behind to gather files before leaving. A bomb struck the court building at 11:08, causing a partial internal collapse, and a masonry column came loose whilst Freisler was distracted by his documents. The column came crashing down on Freisler, causing him to be crushed and killed instantly. Due to the column collapsing, a large portion of the courtroom also landed on Freisler's corpse. WP
Whether they realize it or not, the offspring of the progenitors of the culture of death now constitute the hierarchy of a hemisphere-wide death cult, a cancer that in Canada and the United States has metastasized and consuming entire populations. The landscape is littered with teenage and twenty-something casualties, not to mention the corpses of countless millions of unborn children destroyed by abortion.
The day is coming - and it cannot arrive soon enough! - that the tyranny enacted by modern day brownshirts (i.e., members of the woke establishment) will end. Those who have colluded to produce the cancel culture will be brought to book and held fully accountable for their contributions to the degradation of societies and the damage done to people's lives.
People of goodwill across the political spectrum are gaining confidence and employing strategies to confront woke ideology, in the process detoxifying society through conversations and debates focussed on facts not feelings, by asserting objective reality and not coddling aberrant behaviours, and by satirizing the hypocrisy of self righteous ideologues.
Socialism in general has a record of failure so blatant that only an intellectual could ignore or evade it. Thomas Sowell, The Thomas Sowell Reader
To the uninformed, socialist doctrines sound like the Gospel, i.e., something good. Socialism, then, is seemingly palatable to those who hate religion and who want the good things without the necessary support of faith in God, the Christian Faith that restrains the temptation to seek power for its own sake; the Faith that mitigates corruption.
Socialism is a philosophy of failure, the creed of ignorance, and the gospel of envy, its inherent virtue is the equal sharing of misery. Winston Churchill
Somehow those same adolescent-minded academics and politicians who consciously or unconsciously promote socialism have missed the lessons of the 20th Century.
- Socialism does not work. Socialism failed Russia and nations of the former Soviet empire.
- Socialism undermines inalienable rights by asserting the supremacy of the state.
- Socialism is anti-religion and is therefore inhuman. To be human is to be religious. People require reliable information and formation in how to recognize and align with what is true and good. The Christian religion alone can elevate man's desires while inhibiting man's natural tendency to choose evil and produce chaos.
- Socialism pretends to satisfy all human needs. Socialist ideology, which is fundamentally impractical and brutish, can only replicate through confrontation and violent suppression of opposition.
- Socialism claims to defend victims but in fact it only multiplies victims by making them dependent on state programs that are unsustainable and rob people of resiliency and material resources. Those who seek to enact socialist policies, in every instance, drive societies to implode.
- Socialism pretends to be oriented to the common good when in fact it maims and has killed tens of millions of people [3,4].
- https://www.catholicculture.org/commentary/dont-be-fooled-successful-politics-depends-on-good/
- https://www.thecatholicthing.org/2024/07/29/blessed-is-the-nation-whose-god-is-the-lord/
- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mass_killings_under_communist_regimes
- https://www.amazon.ca/Out-Control-Global-Turmoil-Century/dp/0684826364
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