Scenes From Around The Ordinariate In Canada

St. Benedict, Edmonton, Alberta

St. Thomas More, Toronto, Ontario

Ours is a beautiful and ancient tradition now rejoined with the Church after nearly five hundred years of separation. Pope Benedict made a remarkable invitation to come home. Whether you’re Anglican or protestant wishing to join the Church, or a Catholic seeking a traditional Mass, come and discover the Venerable English Mass. | Deanery Website

St. John Henry Newman, Victoria, BC

St. John the Evangelist, Calgary, Alberta

Nuptial Mass | St. John Henry Newman, Victoria, BC

St. John The Evangelist, Calgary, AB

St. Benedict, Edmonton, AB

St. John Henry Newman, Victoria, BC

Annunciation, Ottawa, Ontario

St Benedict, Edmonton, AB

St Benedict, Edmonton, AB

Ordinariate Parishes and communities retain the important elements of the noble and ancient Anglican tradition (Ecclesia Anglicana), but are fully Roman Catholic. Without excluding liturgical celebrations according to the Roman Rite, we celebrate the Holy Eucharist and the other Sacraments according to the liturgical books proper to the Anglican tradition, which have been approved by the Holy See. Through books such as Divine Worship: The Missal, and Divine Worship: The Daily Office, we share our distinctive commitment to praising God in the eloquence of the Prayer Book tradition.

Our founding documents make clear that the Ordinariate is intended to be an instrument of Catholic unity: an opportunity to model what the future reconciliation of separated Christian communities could be. We wish to fulfill the Holy Father’s vision for Christian unity, in which diverse expressions of one faith are joined together in the One, Holy, Catholic, and Apostolic Church. | Deanery Website

The Deanery of Saint John The Baptist (Ordinariate in Canada)


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