A Needed Revolution In Canada And The West
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Desolation | Gilbert ATTBS |
No, not a Marxist revolution.
Pope Saint John Paul II, in the words of George Weigel, "ignite(d) a revolution of conscience, which preceded and made possible (a) nonviolent political revolution." [1]
If we, Catholics and people of goodwill, are to alter the present course of society and culture in the West away from desolation, and bring about a restoration of common sense, decency and respect for life in all its stages, we must forge a social movement that sabotages the status quo propped up by neo-Marxists who care only about power and its use to coerce people into conformity with a many-headed Hydra of diabolical programs that feed on chaos.
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Having seen what was coming. |
Where are we now?
Archbishop Emeritus Charles Chaput, OFM Cap., speaking to his own country in a way that also diagnoses the general malice spread throughout the world, states that
(o)ur current political reality boils down to “narcolepsy for the masses”: narcolepsy as policy and narcolepsy by design; in other words, a populace permanently half asleep and thus easily molded and led. [2]
(O)ur current culture is actually based on weakening rather than strengthening the individual; creating dependence rather than real autonomy.
As a result, in the end, we get a stupefied populace of narcoleptics addicted to trash media, materialist junk, fast food, and the internet. In other words, people unable to think, who need to be ruled—and surveilled, for everyone’s safety—by (allegedly) smart other people . . . which is the exact opposite of what our public life was designed by the Founders to require. It’s also uncomfortably close to the world C.S. Lewis worried about in The Abolition of Man. That’s where we are now. [2]
Awake Not Woke
What we need now is to think and act accordingly. We need to recover the spine and the missionary nature of our baptism. [2]
Archbishop Chaput is reiterating a call made time and time again, in every age, to conform our lives to Jesus Who is the Way, the Truth and the Life. Naturally, secularists will blanch at the promotion of an explicit Christian agenda. That said, an explicit Christian program is the only sustainable agenda because in that divine agenda is found truth, goodness and beauty, the universal transcendentals that are the indisputable hallmarks of a healthy society. If communities of the Church lack a witness to those transcendentals, how can they contribute to the healing of a society?
Throughout history the Church has fostered networks which have brought about respect for the dignity of the human person. It is only by being grafted to the Holy Spirit that movements have been able to subvert entrenched evil. A network of actors - individuals and groups - united through a common embrace of the freedom of conscience is needed to resist and subvert the various diseases that rob people of their humanity and lives.
Arouse Consciences
Weigel writes:
John Paul’s revolution of conscience began when he restored to the Polish people the truth about their history and culture, which Poland’s communist regime had both distorted and suppressed since 1945. Live in that truth, the Pope suggested from June 2 through June 10, 1979, and you will find tools of resistance that communism’s brute force cannot match. John Paul didn’t design those tools; the Polish people did that when, fourteen months later, they formed the Solidarity trade union, which later evolved into a vast social movement. But the movement’s heart and soul – like its name – was shaped by the thought and witness of John Paul II. [1]
In Professor Gaddis’s words, John Paul II was one of those “visionaries” who, as “saboteurs of the status quo,” were able to “widen the range of historical possibility.” Are there such visionaries among us today? [1]
Are there such visionaries?
The Catholic Church is the only institution that can provide the wisdom for authentic change in a society or in societies drunk on neo-Marxist ideology.
John Paul supplied the flame that lit that tinder and helped keep the fire burning by his vocal support for those who were taking “the risk of freedom” (as he would describe it at the United Nations in 1995). [1]
Archbishop Chaput, mindful of Vaclav Havel’s thought, reminds us that:
(e)ven in a world of persecution and state control, the individual is never really powerless. He or she always has the power to say no, to refuse to believe lies, and to search out other people who share a love for truth and are willing to suffer for it.
To paraphrase an earlier thought: we must live in the truth about our history and culture and therein we will find tools of resistance that wokeism's brute force cannot match. Our history and culture is identified by Jesus Christ at the heart of society. Civilization is Christian civilization. There is no other kind of pairing that has yielded the golden fruit of respect for human dignity than the ordering of societies to Christian doctrine.
- Catholics schools must be faithfully and fully Catholic.
- Social organizations - the CWL, the Knights of Columbus and other Catholic associations - cannot for an instant be anything less than zealous for the truth of the Catholic Faith, unwavering in their commitment to living Catholic teaching in the public square (at work, in government).
- Architecture must be beautiful. The spaces in which we live and move and which shape our being must adhere in design with those time-honoured principles which nurture in man a hope in God and matters eternal.
- The Eucharistic Liturgy must be celebrated without being compromised by triteness, nor the inclusion of socio-political ideologies, nor cheapened by a lack of attention to detail. The Mass is the source and summit of the Christian life. When the Mass is subject to whim and whimsy, there is little doubt that a community has lost its bearing.
- We know well that a society without a heart centred on the transcendentals drifts into final solutions that treat depression, for example, as as incurable disease.
- That a 29 year old Dutch woman can apply for assisted suicide and be murdered with the approval of the state is more than a sobering reminder how dark Western societies have become and how indifferent many people are to the toxicity of socialist dogma.
- https://nypost.com/2024/06/02/world-news/physically-healthy-zoraya-ter-beek-29-dies-by-assisted-suicide/
- Parents must challenge a public school curriculum when it pretends at education but is merely indoctrination in dangerous ideologies that rob children of innocence. Taxpayers must question and challenge administrators and educators who seek to impose acceptance of crude behaviours that are dangerous to the health and well being of children.
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Has come to pass. |
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So red that children are robbed of innocence. |
Again, Chaput:
(O)ur current political reality boils down to “narcolepsy for the masses”: narcolepsy as policy and narcolepsy by design; in other words, a populace permanently half asleep and thus easily molded and led. [2]
One could add to the last phrase 'and willingly murdered'. Societies have become wearied by chaos, a chaos by design - socialist design - produced by the same destructive techniques employed in the past only housed in a new wrapping. Saul Alinsky and other social activists have cloaked themselves in seemingly neutral appellations such as 'community organizer', yet their goal was/is anything but virtuous. They sought to subvert reason and to create chaos, to create a vacuum into and out of which poured violence, disorder, chaos and death. Immersed in community chaos, the weak and weary become the intimidated and malleable, ready to accept any "solution" to the degradation and danger that continues to plague our nations.
Catholic groups must be combed into a collaborative and collective exercise of conscience informed by truth - the Truth! - and use the tools approved by Holy Mother Church. We need a methodology that is robust yet concisely spelled out, a list of terms of reference that, like the charter of the Solidarity movement, reminds us of our story and points us in the right direction.
- Consciences informed by the Catechism.
- Activation of the social doctrine of the Church. The promotion of the common good defined by reason informed by faith.
- The reclamation and renewal of social institutions to effect and sustain a culture of life.
If limp laymen and flaccid clergy won't get on board, we must flow around them like a river in spring flood, wearing down rock with an irresistible witness to the Gospel.
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