19 Sermon Topics Or Book Titles That Might Not Land Well

Pope Justin Embracing Nancy | AI image | prompted by Gilbert

  1. Man is descended from space aliens.
  2. The prosperity gospel for greedy Catholics.
  3. Ten tips for improving the effectiveness of a cilice.
  4. Churches need more cowbell in their parish choirs.
  5. How to safely tear out your eye and dispose of it in an environmentally responsible manner rather than have your whole body cast into hell.
  6. Pope Francis: master of colloquial speech.
  7. Recycling the faith: 15 environmentally friendly uses for old missals.
  8. Channeling your inner transgender athlete.
  9. How to confess the sins of others in the confessional.
  10. Umptine reasons why Catholics should vote for fallen away Catholic politicians.
  11. How to be a LGBTQQIP2SA+ hermit in the modern Church.
  12. Naming your guardian angel.
  13. Satan's redeeming qualities.
  14. The Woke Mysteries of the Rosary by Justin Trudeau.
  15. My iPhone is a sacramental.
  16. Baron Harkonnen: model of modern virtue.
  17. Parking your salvation in the driveway of Father James Martin.
  18. The Lord's Prayer rewritten by a devotee of Ardhanarisvara, the androgynous form of Shiva and his consort Parvati.
  19. Dismantling patriarchy in a post-Vatican II era of queer liberation theological priorities and emerging hyper-egalitarian quasi-rational psycho-physical non-normative neo-pagan norms.


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"I was gathered into the offering of the Son to the Father. I participated in the self-offering of God today."
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