Rejected Homilies

If you're an older Catholic you've heard oodles of sermons, among them some real doozies, and by doozies is not meant anything meritorious. If those sermons had titles published in the parish bulletin, then you might have been able to spare yourself the torture of a bizarre encounter.

Catholics are fortunate to have access to a massive library of biblical wisdom in liturgies throughout the year. Alas, more often than not it seems, the typical diocesan Catholic is subject to repeat performances of stories that are variations on a theme, that theme being 'Me-Myself-And-I', or 'The Catholic Church Remade In My Own Image'.

Suspect Sermons In The Parish of 'Now'

  1. Mass is like a box of chocolates... or should be.
  2. James Martin, future pope.
  3. Five Reasons Annibale Bugnini should be canonized.
  4. 175 Reasons why the Second Vatican Council didn't go far enough.
  5. Marko Rupnik on the role of the priest.
  6. How to insert more pop songs into the Mass.
  7. Martin Luther was right all along.... about everything.
  8. The prophetic teachings of James Martin.
  9. Cardinal Fernandez on the clarity and genius of Fiducia Supplicans.
  10. Celebrating non-binary spirituality.
  11. The beauty of human relationships according to Theodore McCarrick.
  12. The confident Catholicism of President Joe Biden and Nancy Pelosi.
  13. Matthew Fox and his creation spirituality for daily living.
  14. Leonardo Boff and his liberation theology for daily living.
  15. Living the Winnipeg Statement.
  16. The joy of living as a couple in an irregular union.
  17. The Eucharist: a symbol of Jesus.
  18. Welcoming the woke in you.
  19. Scheduling a playdate with the Infant Jesus of Prague.
  20. Be your own pope.
  21. How to pray the writings of Margaret Sanger.
  22. Mao Zedong Makes Mass Marvelous.
  23. The Woke Mysteries of the Rosary.
  24. Love is love.
  25. I'm right and you're wrong, unless of course you are right, in which case I'm more right.
Please pardon the hint of sarcasm in the above list. We Canadians attribute that spice to the influence of our British cousins.

If you're at a parish that features Q&A homilies, that is, the congregation is invited by the priest to weigh in during the sermon, or the priest blithely wanders up and down the nave or around the pews like he's in customer service trying to make a sale, and/or the preacher is preaching about his weekend fishing expedition that has little or no connection to the readings, then hit the road and seek a parish home where preaching imparts the Gospel.

If the parish is closing its doors due to a lack of congregants, bishops and priests along with their trendy directors of music and liturgy should take a long hard look in that parish mirror and ask themselves, 'What have we done wrong?', or 'What could we be doing differently?'.

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