Poking Fun At The Familiar

  1. Impremature: notification that a book was published before it was properly vetted.
  2. Bans of Marriage: matrimonial no-nos.
  3. Cardinal virtues: prelates of a feather flocking together.
  4. Minor propers: most ignored chants sung by well-behaved youths.
  5. DEI: diversity, equity and inclusivity as designed by God (Dei), not by man.
  6. Rude screen: profane behaviour blocker.
  7. Fumarole veil: large scarf that protects its wearer from clouds of incense.
  8. Pipe organ: heavy metal church style.
  9. Hoary water: what the holy water font contains when it's not cleaned on a regular basis.
  10. The Best of Fr. James Martin: see oxymoron.
  11. Communion-in-the-hand-grenade: see nay palm.
  12. Cannon laws: rules of engagement for warring Texas nun and bishop.
  13. Diocease: wilted ecclesiastical district.
  14. Krissandumb: realm of perfectly willfully woefully blissfully ignorant religionists. "Kriss" - slang for crisp, meaning perfect or ideal + "and dumb".


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