Support Priests!

Let us support our beloved priests by helping them to live the dignity of their office. Provide for their daily needs and for their retirement:

Almighty and everlasting God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, Thou dost provide to Thy Holy Church the ministry of presbyters ordained to serve Holy Mass, that Jesus our Saviour and Redeemer may be Present among us in a most sublime manner. Grant to priests every grace to sustain them and to help them fulfill their calling. As Thou didst send an angel to succour Thy Son in the Garden of Gethsemane, provide in Thy mercy solace to Thy sons, our shepherds, and grant to them every blessing in their service. Help us to support our beloved spiritual fathers with our love and care, respect and gratitude. We beseech Thee, Father, grant these requests and all good gifts through Jesus Christ our Lord, Who liveth and reigneth with Thee and the Holy Ghost, God, world without end. Amen.

Holy Mary, Mother of Priests, pray for our shepherds.

Dear Reverend Fathers,

  1. Pray the Mass well by remembering that it is the Lord Who prays in and through you, his beloved priest.
  2. Handle the Precious Body and Blood of the Lord Jesus Christ as if your eternal salvation depends on it... because it does... and so does the salvation of each person in your charge. Set an example of humility that acknowledges the holiness of God, so that others may embrace the salvation offered by Jesus.
  3. If you do not already do so, pray the Office every day. The Office is the Word speaking to you, you who are a little word born of the mind of God, and so very precious to the Lord. The Office informs your soul with the meat of lifegiving wisdom and the drink of spiritual knowledge for your eternal well being. Let the power of God's wisdom into your heart. Immerse yourself in that wisdom.
  4. Be a saint. It only takes one saint to turn around a parish. Many of the greatest saints have been the most ordinary of folk who take seriously a life of faith, of trust in God. Because of that trust, they made their whole lives available to God.
  5. Go to confession, the wellspring of mercy and comfort of sinners.
  6. Reach out for help; you are not alone. Pray that the Lord Jesus will bring you into contact with good and holy people mindful of the commandments of God, who will accompany you in truth and goodness.
  7. When you are down, tired and driven by distractions, the Lord is especially near to you. In your weakness, in your vulnerability, you are most open to God's life sustaining Presence.
  8. Pray for protection from the wickedness and snares of the devil. Reject every subtle manipulation. Invite your flock to pray for you.
  9. Offer the Rosary for your own spiritual and physical health and well being, and that of your brother priests. Entrust yourself to the Mother of Priests, your Mother, Mary Most Holy.
  10. Eat right; sleep right; exercise 10 to 15 minutes a day. Go for a walk and pray the Rosary.
Lord Jesus, we humbly beseech Thee, send Holy Michael, Archangel, commander of the army of God, to watch over and defend our spiritual fathers made shepherds of the one flock by Thee our God and King. We pray Thee, O Lord, to grant them Thy protection and keep them safe from every danger. In Thy Name, O Lord, we pray. Amen.


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