My deepest peace I find in Thee.

Prayer before Jesus Crucified

Dear Lord, when looking up at Thee,
I see Thy loving eyes on me;
Love overflows my humble heart,
Knowing what a faithful friend thou art.
A cup of sorrow I foresee,
Which I accept for love of Thee;
Thy painful way I wish to go,
The only way to God I know.
My soul is full of peace and light,
Although in pain, this light shineth bright;
For here Thou keepest to Thy breast,
My longing heart to find there rest.
Leave me here freely all alone,
In cell where never sunlight shone;
Should no one every speak to me,
This golden silence makes me free!
For though alone, I have no fear,
Never wert Thou, O Lord, so near.
Sweet Jesus, please, abide with me!
My deepest peace I find in Thee.

Saint Titus Brandsma


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