Old & New: The Venerable English Mass Of The Personal Ordinariates
If ever there was a master stroke of the Holy Spirit writ plain for Catholics to see, it was the establishment of the Personal Ordinariates during the pontificate of His Holiness Pope Benedict XVI. Is that a plausible claim? Let's look at what is being accomplished through the personal ordinariates established by the apostolic constitution Anglicanorum Coetibus . A realized ecumenism. The most effective means so far by which entire groups as well as individuals are being received into the Church. What is the significance of this new missal to the Ordinariates and the Catholic Church? Msgr. Steenson: This is historic. This is the first time in the history of the Catholic Church that the liturgical texts of a separated Christian community have been brought back into the life of the Church of Rome. This (Ordinariate) missal is now recognized by the Church as standing side by side with the Roman Missal. Dr. Brand: This missal is the fruit of receptive and realized ecumenis...
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