Bishop Lopes at the Sacra Liturgia Conference 2022

His Excellency Steven J. Lopes, Bishop of the Personal Ordinariate of the Chair of Saint Peter, will be celebrating Mass in the Ordinariate Use and giving a talk on Divine Worship at the June 28 - July 1, 2022 Conference in San Francisco.

In 2021, Bishop Lopes was elected chairman of the USCCB's Committee on Divine Worship.

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Tuesday, June 28th

6:00 PM - Vespers following by Mass (Usus Antiquior)

Wednesday, June 29th

9:00 AM - Paper 2: Professor Michael Foley - “Learned Gaffs: The Impact of Flawed Scholarship on the Liturgical Reforms of the Twentieth Century”

10:00 AM - Paper 3: Fr. Joseph Fessio - “The Reform of the Reform Revisited”

11:00 AM - Coffee Break

11:30 AM - Paper 4: Professor Jennifer Donelson-Nowicka - “Emotion, Intellect, and Will: The Fruits of Sacred Music in the Spiritual Life”

12:30 PM - Lunch Forum: The Sacred Liturgy and Catholic Identity in Education with Archbishop Cordileone

2:30 PM - Paper 5: Metropolitan Gerasimos - “Cultural Adaptation and Liturgical Integrity: The Greek Orthodox Experience”

3:30 PM - Coffee Break

4:00 PM - Paper 6: Professor Duncan Stroik - “Principles for Renovating and Building Churches”

5:30 PM - Solemn Mass (Ordinariate Use) for the Feast of Ss. Peter and Paul, Chapel of St. Patrick’s Seminary Celebrated by Bishop Steven Lopes

Reception to Follow

Thursday, June 30th

9:00 AM - Paper 7: Bishop Steven Lopes - “The Ordinariate Liturgy: Its Origins and Its Future”

Friday, July 1st

12:30 PM - Solemn Mass (Usus Antiquior) for the feast of St. Junipero Serra, Mission Dolores Basilica

For the complete schedule, click on the following link:


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