Saint Peter's Rambler April 2022 at the ACS

April 16, 2022

by Anglicanorum Coetibus Society

Editor's Note - Peter Jesserer Smith 


When you read this issue, you can see new life emerging like the humble crocuses rising from the ground in Spring. The Holy Spirit is working in the world, and we see the Holy Spirit working through the Catholic Church’s Ordinariates for the Anglican tradition.

What a joy it is to see the Holy Spirit activating men and women who take their discipleship of Jesus seriously and follow his call to evangelize and heal wounds of division, building up Christ’s Church through common prayer, fellowship, and hospitality. If the Church ever feels for you like it’s in the tomb, just look at how the Holy Spirit enlivens these humble beginnings, and you'll see a glimpse of the Church’s resurrection.

This issue: the Guild of Saint Stephen

(T)he next issue of the St. Peter's Rambler will arrive mid-June.


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