Rood Screens

Ripon Cathedral

An inscription on the early sixteenth-century Rood-screen rail at Compsal near Doncaster:

Let fal down thyn ne & lift up thy hart
Behold thy maker on yon
Remembir his woundis that for the did smart
Gotyn without syn and on a virgin bor.
Al his hed percid with a crowne of thorn
Alas man thy hart ought to brast in two
Bewar of the dwyl whan he blawis his horn
And pray thy gode aungel convey thee fro.


A 2018 article at the Catholic Herald: The Beauty of Rood Screens.

Monastery of the Holy Cross

Church of the Holy Cross, Felsted, Essex

Canterbury Cathedral

Another article:

Lichfield Cathedral

Our Lady of Walsingham Cathedral, Houston


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