Praedicate evangelium. Preach the Gospel. The Dicastery for Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments.

photo: Bohumil Petrik/CNA. / Vatican Media

A translation of a section of the Holy Father's latest document, the missionary-minded apostolic constitution Praedicate evangelium (Preach the Gospel), that reforms the Roman Curia, published and promulgated on 19MARCH2022.

Dicastery for Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments

Dicastero per il Culto Divino e la Disciplina dei Sacramenti

Art. 88

The Dicastery for Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments promotes the sacred liturgy according to the renewal undertaken by the Second Vatican Council. The spheres of its competence concern everything that by law is the responsibility of the Apostolic See regarding the regulation and promotion of the sacred liturgy and the vigilance that the laws of the Church and liturgical norms are faithfully observed everywhere.

Art. 89

§ 1. It is the duty of the Dicastery to arrange for the drafting or revision and updating of the typical editions of liturgical books.

§ 2. The Dicastery confirms the translations of the liturgical books into current languages ​​and gives the recognitio to their suitable adaptations to local cultures, legitimately approved by the Episcopal Conferences. It also gives the recognitio to the particular Calendars, the Proper of Masses and the Liturgy of the Hours of the particular Churches and Institutes of Consecrated Life and Societies of Apostolic Life approved by the relevant competent authority.

§ 3. The Dicastery assists diocesan Bishops and Episcopal Conferences in promoting, with effective and adequate means, liturgical pastoral action, in particular with regard to the celebration of the Eucharist and other Sacraments and liturgical acts, so that the faithful participate in it ever more actively. Together with the Episcopal Conferences, it encourages reflection on possible forms of inculturated liturgies and accompanies their contextualization.

Art. 90

§ 1. The Dicastery takes care of the discipline of the sacraments and the juridical implications pertaining to their valid and lawful celebration, as well as of sacramentals, without prejudice to the competence of the Dicastery for the Doctrine of the Faith.

§ 2. It (the Dicastery) examines and grants requests for indult and dispensation which, in regard to this matter, exceed the competences (powers) of diocesan bishops.

Art. 91

The Dicastery promotes and animates the periodic celebration of International Eucharistic Congresses and offers its collaboration in the celebration of National Eucharistic Congresses.

Art. 92

The Dicastery deals with areas concerning liturgical life:

1. promoting liturgical formation at various levels, including through pluriregional conferences;

2. supporting the Commissions or Institutes created to promote the liturgical apostolate, music, singing and sacred art;

3. by setting up associations that promote these aims of an international nature, or by approving their statutes.

Art. 93

The Dicastery deals with the regulation and discipline of the sacred liturgy as regards the extraordinary form of the Roman Rite.


NCR | The paragraph now says: “The Dicastery deals with the regulation and discipline of the sacred liturgy with regard to the use — granted according to established norms — of the liturgical books prior to the reform of the Second Vatican Council.”

Art. 94

The Dicastery is responsible for the protection of the cult of sacred relics, the confirmation of the heavenly patrons and the granting of the title of minor basilica.

Art. 95

The Dicastery collaborates with the diocesan Bishops so that the cultic expressions of the pious exercises of the Christian people are increased in accordance with the norms of the Church and in harmony with the sacred liturgy, recalling its principles and giving guidelines for the purpose of their fruitful implementation in the particular Churches.

Art. 96

The Dicastery assists the Bishops in their proper office of being the moderators, promoters and custodians of the entire liturgical life of the Church entrusted to them, providing indications and suggestions to promote proper liturgical formation, in order to prevent and eliminate any abuses.

Art. 97

In order to carry out its tasks in the best possible way, the Dicastery, as well as its Members and Consultors, avails itself of the collaboration and periodic comparison with the Episcopal Commissions for the Liturgy of the various Episcopal Conferences and with the International Committees for the translations of liturgical books into languages common to several nations, also valuing with attention the contribution of ecclesiastical institutes of higher education in liturgical matters.


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