Edward 'The Reliable', and other nicknames

Edward the Confessor, Charles the Great (Carolus Magnus, Charlemagne), Saint Leo the Great, Pepin the Short, Louis 'Satchmo' Armstrong, Billy the Kid, Ivan the Terrible, and so on.

What follows is a list of nicknames for members of the Catholisphere.

  • Edward 'The Reliable' Pentin
  • Cardinal Blaise 'The Careerist' Cupich
  • Cardinal George 'The Indomitable' Pell
  • Benedict 'Exemplar of Reason' XVI
  • Cardinal Raymond 'The Magnificent' Burke
  • Dr. Helen M. 'Truth and Goodness' Alvaré
  • Fr. James 'Brokeback' Martin, SJ
  • Lila 'Defender of Life' Rose
  • Justin 'The Patronizer Bunny' Trudeau
  • Jordan 'Hammer of Idiots' Peterson (not Catholic yet, but here's hoping!)
  • Joe 'What Was I Saying?' Biden
  • Nancy 'Lilith' Pelosi
  • Bishop Georg 'Batz for Brains' Bätzing
  • Bishop Athanasius 'Lion of Orthodoxy' Schneider
  • Archbishop Arthur 'The Uncertain' Roche
  • Dr. Edward 'Light of the Law' Peters
  • Archbishop Charles J. 'Pastor Bonus' Chaput
  • Justice Amy Coney 'Lilly of Grace' Barrett
  • Cardinal Gerhard Ludwig 'Soldier of the Faith' Müller
  • Archbishop Alexander King 'Noble Servant' Sample
  • Archbishop Salvatore Joseph 'My Last Name Says It All' Cordileone


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