Bling: Guild of Saint Stephen Enrollment

I offer myself to God Almighty, and to Blessed Mary, our Mother and to our Holy Patron, Saint Stephen, and I promise to do my best to serve regularly, with reverence and understanding, for the glory of God, the service of His Church and my own eternal salvation. - The Guild Promise
Quum Rev. Lee Kenyon Rector Sodalitatis sub titulo Sancti Stephani Diaconi et Protomartyris pro alteri inservientibus die XXIII mensis Aprilis anno in ecclesia S. Ioannes Henrici Newman apud Victoria dioecesis Ordinariatus Petri in Cathedra Sancti permissu Ordinarii canonice erectae, aggregationem hujusmodi et communicationem indulgentiarum a Nobis enixe postulaverit, NOS, Archisodalitatis sub eodem titulo aggregandi ejusdem nominis sodalitates in omnibus provinciis Imperii Britannici eisque omnes et singulis eidem tributas Indulgentias communicandi, Sodalitatem suprascriptam Archisodalitatis adjungimus et aggregamus gratiasque spirituales seu Indulgentias Archisodalitati Nostrae Litteris Pontificiis nominatim et expresse concessas largimur atque communicamus. In quorum fidem has litteras manu Nostra subscriptas, sigilloque Nostro et sigillo Archisodalitatis munitas, expediri jussimus.
On the Feast of Saint Stephen, which coincides with Holy Family Sunday this year, five servers from the Ordinariate community of Saint John Henry Newman (Victoria), and five servers from the Diocese of Victoria Latin Mass community, will be enrolled in the Archconfraternity of Saint Stephen by the Reverend Father Lee Kenyon.

Please pray for the servers who will be enrolled in the Guild of Saint Stephen.


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