You may have heard... .

... that Anglican Bishop Michael Nazir-Ali has done swum the Tiber.

The Spectator

Michael Nazir-Ali

I believe that the Anglican desire to adhere to apostolic, patristic and conciliar teaching can now best be maintained in the Ordinariate. Provisions there to safeguard legitimate Anglican patrimony are very encouraging and, I believe, that such patrimony in its Liturgy, approaches to Biblical study, pastoral commitment to the community, methods of moral theology and much else besides has a great deal to offer the wider church.

Ministry in the Church of Pakistan, in the Middle East generally, in the Church of England and the wider Anglican Communion remains precious to me and I see this as a further step in the ministry of our common Lord and of his people. At this time, I ask for prayers as I continue to pray for all parts of the Church.

In Good Company

The Rt. Rev. Jonathan Goodall, former Anglican Bishop of Ebbsfleet, England, was received into the Catholic Church on September 8, 2021.

Gavin Ashenden, former Royal Chaplain to the Queen, was received into the Catholic faith at Christmas 2019.


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