Wokeness Has No Jokeness

A more direct title might be 'wokeness excludes a sense of humour'. Because exponents of wokeness have no sense of humour, and clearly lack an appreciation of clever (not vulgar) humour, that will be the undoing of woke culture. Of course, the reign of terror enacted against the rest of us won't be over anytime soon. A lot of damage is being done, and before the serpent of wokeness fully consumes itself and dies a death that cannot come soon enough, it has more than a few endangered species yet to devour.

The first to be condemned, silenced, imprisoned, tortured and disappeared in any revolution are those who represent a threat to the powermongers. Most often those who first pay the price are clergy, musicians, poets, and now it seems comedians who dare to speak truth to power. Can anyone blame comedians for refusing to perform on university and college campuses rife with the demon of political correctness and its savage offspring wokeness, institutions of "higher learning" where flakes chain react into a toxic meltdown at the very hint of parody, i.e., a mere portion of truth?

Irony and the Limbo of Comeuppance

Who is responsible for creating a grievance culture of fear and intimidation? The very same comedians and progressive social commentators now complaining that their liberal, progressive, radical leftwing bedfellows are raining on their parades. When vulgar comedians such as Dave Chappelle and puff firebrands such as Bill Maher object to woke bullying, the irony of their complaints signal the bankruptcy of the modern liberal agenda. Like a person addicted to a narcotic, contemporary society must hit rock bottom before recovery and renewal can begin.

Woke Stroke

Catholic World Report has published a very useful perspective piece, which reads in part:

(P)erhaps the most dangerous statement made by Chappelle was left almost completely unreported in the mainstream media, and that was his comparison of men dressed as women to white people who wear blackface in insulting parodies of black people.

Women “look at transgender women the way we blacks look at blackface,” Chappelle told his audience. “They go ‘oh, this (expletive) is doing an impression of me!’”


“Intersectional” ideology

The media frenzy has taken on a particular sense of urgency in this case for two obvious reasons. First, Dave Chappelle’s attacks on LGBT ideology have the potential to undermine the most important seam in the metal of the movement, and that is the “intersectional” joining of black civil rights and gender ideology.

This unnatural union has always been the weakest point in “intersectionality,” which is an attempt to fuse together various and disparate ideological causes within the broad spectrum of neo-Marxist identity politics. It may be understood more simply as an attempt by LGBT ideologues to co-opt racial minorities and their political movements. Comparing black people and other racial minorities whose skin color is a biologically-determined fact, with people who deny their own biology and insist that the rest of the world do so as well, is obviously insulting and demeaning to the former but politically beneficial to the latter. Chappelle appears to be alluding to this with his devastating “blackface” comparison, and his popularity and minority status simultaneously provide him with a degree of protection from intersectional LGBT activists who claim to be “allies” of black civil rights.

Cancel Culture Conversation

Chappelle has seared skin with his raw humour. One wonders if his fighting fire with fire will actually break/brake the fire, or further fuel it to the point the last shreds of decency are consumed and public discourse along with civilisation itself are consigned to oblivion for the foreseeable future.

As honest students of history know well, when people submit to tyranny or apathy, one of two things happens:
  1. revolution, war;
  2. decay and disintegration.
Mob-minded confrontationists routinely shout down the civil discourse needed to bring people together to root out very bad ideas that rob people of their fundamental human rights, inalienable rights written into us by God. People's lives are being destroyed by pseudo-victims (or surrogate victims) who weaponize their self-constructed wounds and anonymously attack their intended targets who are then forced to contend with severe processes that confine them to temporary or lasting removal from jobs without knowing who their accusers are nor the nature of their transgressions for which they are being censored. We need additional free discussion to root out bad ideas. The solution is not censorship (less speech) but more speech.

Unless people of goodwill deny and reject wokeness,
liberal fascism will metastasize
and kill all civility and authentic freedom.
Commonsense and resilience are losing to mob-mindedness
and innocence and humanity are its casualties.

Authoritative Parenting
Nurturing, responsive, and supportive, yet setting firm limits for their children.

Dear Parents, stand up to and for your children by modelling virtue and reason. You are a child's first educator. Teach your children how to think critically before it's too late, before they become subject to ideology that kills hope and infects people and societies with despair. If you do not act as responsible parents, you should not be surprised when your child abandons you and commits you to live out your later years in isolation, deprived of respect, human warmth and the inalienable dignity all human beings deserve to have honoured and cherished.

Call on God for Help

For those suffering the devastating effects of unjust actions, the tyranny of woke peers, pray for God's help. Reach out to the Holy Spirit for wisdom, strength and consolation. God will not deny you His tender mercy to endure suffering, suffering that grafts us into the wounds of Jesus Christ, the wounds He, an innocent man, the God-man, the Son of Man, the Son of God, the Second Person of the Blessed Trinity, suffered on our behalf for our salvation. Jesus suffers with us, and raises us up in the midst of suffering. Glory be to Thee, O Lord Most High!

Holy Michael, archangel, defend us in the day of battle; Be our safeguard against the wickedness and snares of the devil. May God rebuke him we humbly pray, and do thou, prince of the heavenly host, by the power of God, thrust down to hell Satan and all wicked spirits who wander through the world for the ruin of souls. Amen.


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