Wokeness Has No Jokeness

A more direct title might be 'wokeness excludes a sense of humour'. Because exponents of wokeness have no sense of humour, and clearly lack an appreciation of clever (not vulgar) humour, that will be the undoing of woke culture. Of course, the reign of terror enacted against the rest of us won't be over anytime soon. A lot of damage is being done, and before the serpent of wokeness fully consumes itself and dies a death that cannot come soon enough, it has more than a few endangered species yet to devour. The first to be condemned, silenced, imprisoned, tortured and disappeared in any revolution are those who represent a threat to the powermongers. Most often those who first pay the price are clergy, musicians, poets, and now it seems comedians who dare to speak truth to power. Can anyone blame comedians for refusing to perform on university and college campuses rife with the demon of political correctness and its savage offspring wokeness, institutions of "higher lear...