The Fourth Dean of the Canadian Deanery of Saint John The Baptist

Bishop Steven Lopes appointed the Rev'd Msgr Timothy Perkins as Dean of the Canadian St. John the Baptist Deanery effective May 2021. The Very Rev'd Msgr Timothy Perkins is also the Vicar General of the Personal Ordinariate of the Chair of St. Peter and Chaplain to His Holiness.

The Deanery of St. John the Baptist was established on 7 December 2012 to serve the first eleven Canadian Ordinariate communities. Msgr. Jeffrey Steenson, first Ordinary of the Ordinariate of the Chair of St. Peter at the time, appointed Fr. Lee Kenyon as the first Dean of the Deanery.  Fr. Carl Reid was appointed  the second Dean with Fr. Doug Hayman appointed the third Dean. Msgr Timothy Perkins has been appointed the fourth Dean.

Since that time, the Canadian Deanery has been officially incorporated and has attained CRA Charity Recognition. The Officers are Rev. Msgr Timothy Perkins VG (Dean and Chair of the Board), Fr. Doug Hayman (Vice-Chair of the Board), Ms. Deborah Gyapong (Secretary) and Mr. Bruce Travis (Treasurer). In addition to the above Officers who are also appointed Directors, we welcome Mr. Mario Josipovic as a Director of the Board.


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