Vulture Culture (Canadian College Style)

We live and die in a vulture culture
We crucify anyone we hunger
Gemini and a broken brother
We live and die, my friend.
- chorus, Vulture Culture by Fangclub

Vulture Culture
A workplace or organization that seems to feed on itself, picking over the bones of failure and blaming everyone else, rather than itself. You sometimes find yourself wondering what it would be like to work freely without the fear of a hungry hoover hovering above waiting for you to mess up. Or, your company is so paralyzed by indecision (or political correctness) because no-one wants to stand up and raise their head above the parapet. If any of these sound familiar, you might be in the grip of a Vulture Culture. Vulture Cultures are particularly damaging because the enemy is within, and not always easy to pinpoint. - Urban Dictionary
If Canada is a place where an immigrant professor is attacked and hurt, for saying the country she came to, to escape the hell of civil war, to say in public that this country is not “systemically racist,” can be vilified and shamed, here’s my question: What kind of country have we become? - Rex Murphy

Rima Azar is an Associate Professor of Health Psychology at Mount Allison University. In her words:

I have been the target of cancel culture since February 22, 2021 simply because I love to write on my Bambi’s Afkar blog: Here is the start of my ongoing saga: I now have been suspended from my job without pay, based on false allegations. We are in a pandemic and times are tough on all. This is why your support means the world to me. I am so grateful for my union’s continuous support in dealing with Mount Allison University. However, the reputational damage already done (defamation, attack to my character) has implications beyond my employer and workplace. I will use the funds raised to cover my personal legal defence fund. I love my students, job, colleagues, university, province, and beautiful country beyond words. My story is beyond academic freedom. I precisely chose to move to Canada for democracy/freedom of expression. Why are we doing this to ourselves?

Professor Azar's union is very supportive. A gofundme account is set up to help with legal fees.

When universities permit an environment that enables students to engage in brownshirt behaviour, we should not be surprised when those same students graduate to work in public institutions and then insist, by force, that the rest of us conform to their broken ideologies. Deus adiuva nos omnes.


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