Ordinariate Community in Focus: Portland, Oregon

Are you looking for a home that acknowledges the true, the good and the beautiful, a home that worships God in the beauty of holiness? Do you live in the Portland area? Why not drop the PDX Anglican Patrimony Society a line. Don't be shy - they seem like a lovely bunch of people ready to welcome you. Follow the links below. Both sites have contact buttons to click on.
Join the community online for Evening Prayer - click on the Facebook link above.

From the website:

What is the PDX Anglican Patrimony Society? 

We're an unofficial group of lay people that gathers monthly to pray Ordinariate Form Evening Prayer at Holy Rosary Catholic Church. Some of us are official members of the Ordinariate, some of us are not official members of the Ordinariate, but all of us love the Ordinariate. We have also begun to have occasional masses according to the Divine Worship Missal. 

Our goal is to grow our community in hopes of some day forming an Ordinariate parish in the greater Portland area. We want this community to be an evangelical witness to the glory of the Catholic faith for the people of Portland, and we hope to bless the local Catholic Church with the gifts of the Anglican Patrimony. 

Currently, many of our events take place at Holy Rosary Catholic Church in Portland, Oregon where most of our members are parishioners.


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