Of Bells

 A little collection of videos, links, poems, books, etc.

Change Ringing Resources

Change Ringing (Wikipedia)


Bells: their history, legends, making and uses by S. N. Coleman (1928)

Dove's Guide for Church Bell Ringers



Excerpt from IV. from The Bells by Edgar Allen Poe

Hear the tolling of the bells—
Iron bells!
What a world of solemn thought their monody compels!
In the silence of the night,
How we shiver with affright
At the melancholy menace of their tone!
For every sound that floats
From the rust within their throats
Is a groan.

Blessing of Bells

Demons hate bells

Excerpt from Carillon (1845) by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

And I thought how like these chimes
Are the poet's airy rhymes,
All his rhymes and roundelays,
His conceits, and songs, and ditties,
From the belfry of his brain,
Scattered downward, though in vain,
On the roofs and stones of cities!
For by night the drowsy ear
Under its curtains cannot hear,
And by day men go their ways,
Hearing the music as they pass,
But deeming it no more, alas!
Than the hollow sound of brass.

Vancouver Society of Change Ringers

The North American Guild of Change Ringers

Bells of Montreal (1942) by Ermina Carpenter Holland (1880 - 1964)
from Montreal in Verse: An Anthology of English Poetry by Montreal Poets. Ed. Writers of the Poetry Group. Montreal; QB: Canadian Authors Association; 1942. 25.

The bells of Montreal that ring
The angelus from towers of gray
Are many-toned, and yet they sing
A harmonizing roundelay.
From mountain slope to harbour side
They clang, and boom, and softly chime,
And through their music, floating wide,
A saga breathes of older time.
Of Ville Marie, precinct of peace,
Where soldier and ascetic prayed,
Of vigils marking centuries
While pageant came and history made.
And mellow under summer beams,
Or clear at winter evening-fall,
They tranquillize and waken dreams,
The hallowed bells of Montreal.

Bell Foundries


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