Hit or Miss? Ordinariate Daily Office (DWDO/NA) Errata


DWDO NA edition redo

By the look of things, perhaps Newman House Press should pause the second printing of the DWDO (NA Edition). For us Ordinariateers in Canada, a nation which is still a constitutional monarchy (unless the Roundheads get their way) and a member of the Commonwealth, perhaps we would do well to recall that while the early bird gets the worm, it is the second mouse that gets the cheese.

Cause for Pause - H/T to ACS

and to the team assembled by Jackson Perry.

First Printing List of Serious Errata

Page Number

Original Text

Correct Text

Description of Error

Pg. 007

Occasional Prayers and Thanksgiving

Occasional Prayers and Thanksgivings

Spelling Error

Pg. 009

The Ordinariate Daily Office

Option 1: The Ordinariate Daily Office
Option 2: Divine Worship: Daily Office, for use... of St. Peter, gives...

Option 1: Not in italics since not the book title.
Option 2: Italics. Not "The".

Pg. 010

The Ordinariate Daily Office

Divine Worship: Daily Office

In this case the most correct option is to use the proper title. No "The".

Pg. 014

The Angelus or, in Eastertide through Whitsun Week, the Regina Caeli is fittingly

The Angelus, or in Eastertide through Whitsun Week the Regina Cæli, is fittingly

Commas misplaced at Angelus and Regina Cæli.

Pg. 038

Joel 2:1–14 or 2 Thes 3 or
for EP1: Is.51:1–11 Mt 3:13–17

Is.51:1–11 Mt 3:13–17

Remove "for EP1" (Saturday evening readings are always EP1)
Remove Joel and 2 Thes. They are not options. And for the curious, they are not lost, but occur again later in the year.

Pg. 060

[Fore-Office: In the Morning] Psalm 19:14-15

Psalm 19:14

Misidentified psalm verse

Pg. 062

[General Confession] done


punctuation - missing period

Pg. 071

[Benedicite, omnia opera] Daniel 3: 35 - 65 (Song of the Three Children 29 - 34)

Daniel 3 (Song of the Three Children 35 - 65)

Incorrect verses for Song of the Three Children 35 - 65

Pg. 079

[Benedictus es, Domine] Daniel 3:29-34

Daniel 3 (Song of the Three Children 29-34)

Incorrectly identifies as Daniel 3:29-34, instead of Song of the Three Children 29-34 in Daniel 3.

Pg. 086

[Prayer of St. Chrysostom] Missing direction "Officiant:" before prayer. Entire prayer is bolded like Gen. Thanks.

Correct to directions found in EP: include direction "Officiant:" and remove bolding of text recited by officiant, and italicize the Amen.

Missing/incorrect direction; should be same as at Evening.

Pg. 102

[Office of None] Missing Collect to end of office

Restore from draft office: COLLECT
Priest or Deacon The Lord be with you.
People And with thy spirit.
Officiant Let us pray.
In place of the foregoing salutation, a lay Officiant says instead:
Lay Officiant O Lord, hear our prayer.
People And let our cry come unto thee.
Officiant Let us pray.
The following collect, or the Collect of the Day as found in the Proper, is said:
LORD Jesu Christ, Son of the living God, who, at the ninth hour of the day, with outstretched hands and bowed head didst commend thy spirit to God the Father, and by thy death didst unlock the gates of paradise: mercifully grant that in the hour of our death our souls may come to the true paradise, which is thyself; who livest and reignest with the Father, in the unity of the Holy Spirit, ever one God, world without end. Amen.
The Office concludes as follows:
Officiant Let us bless the Lord.
People Thanks be to God.
The Officiant may add:
 May the souls of all the faithful departed, through the mercy of God, rest in peace. Amen.

Critical omission

pg. 103

Fore-Office or

Should be "Fore-Office of "

Typrographical error, wrong word.

pg. 103

( Praise ye the Lord)

Praise ye the Lord

Formatting error: stray cross preceding “Praise ye the Lord.”

Pg. 113

[Alleluia. Salus et gloria] Salvation, and glory, and honour, and power, unto the Lord our God:

Salvation, and glory, and honour, and power, unto the Lord our God:*

Missing mediant

Pg. 128

[Lord's Prayer] thy will be done on earth

thy will be done, on earth

Missing important comma

Pg. 136

[Psalms] in place of the GLORY the following

in place of the Gloria Patri the following

This should be "Gloria Patri" (not GLORY) to be consistent with the rest of the book. Style and color also should be consistent.

Pg. 140

[Lord's Prayer] thy will be done on earth

thy will be done, on earth

Missing important comma

Pg. 140

[Lord's Prayer] deliver us from evil Amen ..

deliver us from evil. Amen.

Punctuation: periods in wrong places.

Pg. 142

the Glory

the Gloria Patri

Gloria Patri is consistent with the rubrical directory and elsewhere in the text.

Pg. 146

[Lord's Prayer] thy will be done on earth

thy will be done, on earth

Missing important comma

Pg. 247

GIVE thanks

O GIVE thanks

missing word "O"

Pg. 277

“The Twenty-ninth Day: Morning Prayer” must begin at Psalm 139, not 137.

Critical Content Error

Pg. 284



missing word "O"

Pg. 293

Vox clara ecce intonate

Vox clara ecce intonat

Latin error

Pg. 294

Vox clara ecce intonate

Vox clara ecce intonat

Latin error

Pg. 300

O gente felix hospital

O gente felix hospita

Latin error

Pg. 348

O Pater sancta

O Pater sancte

Latin error (serious gender of God error)

Pg. 373

Second Evensong:


Drop "Second"

Pg. 395

Festum matres gloriose

Festum matris gloriosæ

Latin error (s.b. "matris", Also Hymn is not provided in the Hymnody

Pg. 409

didst call the Priest Saint Sharbel Makhl?f to

didst call the Priest Saint Sharbel Makhlūf to

Non-Latin character error, appears as "?"

Pg. 410

In Anna puerpero

In Anne puerperio

Latin error

Pg. 413

O Sator rerum reparator ævi

O Sator rerum Reparator ævi

Reparator refers to Christ and MUST be capitalized.

Pg. 425


Propers for St. Adrian, Abbot

Omitted: should indicate which common to use

Pg. 427

There is no first Evensong for Our Lady of Walsingham except at Parishes dedicated to her.

Pg. 436

Second Evensong


Delete "Second"

Pg. 438

Second Evensong


Delete "Second"

Pg. 445

thy servant Blessed Miguel AugustÌn Pro the grace

thy servant Blessed Miguel Augustín Pro the grace

Character set error, appears as incorrect character

Pg. 445

St. Andrew Dũng-Lac, Priest

St. Andrew Dũng-Lạc, Priest

Character set error, appears as incorrect character

Pg. 445

Saint Andrew Dũng-Lac and his Companions

Saint Andrew Dũng-Lạc and his Companions

Character set error, appears as incorrect character

Pg. 452

Propers for St. Thomas Becket

Critical Omission

Pg. 452

Propers for Holy Innocents

Critical Omission

Pg. 452

Propers for St. Sylvester

Critical Omission

Pg. 460

Common for a Holy Pope

Omission (found in Missal)

pg. 460

this festival of N. thy Confessor and Bishop

this festival of blessed N. thy Confessor and Bishop

insert missing "blessed"

Pg. 476

Vox clara ecce intonate

Vox clara ecce intonat

Latin error

Pg. 480

Art Thou, O Jesu, who the love
Of human home and hearth did know.

Art Thou, O Jesu, who the love
Of human home and hearth didst know.

Grammar error in "Ancient Office Hymn Book" (AOHB)
"Thou who didst know" is required grammar

Pg. 480

They will be always praising Thee.

They will be alway praising Thee.

AOHB Error – cf. Coverdale Ps. 84

Pg. 481

O gente felix hospital

O gente felix hospita

Latin error

Pg. 486

We adore and bless thee;

We adore and bless Thee;

AOHB Error – Capitalization

Pg. 503

... of the Sundays of Eastertide from the Octave Day until the Ascension:

... of the Sundays of Eastertide, except the Fourth, from the Octave Day until the Ascension:

Make consistent with Pgs. 505 & 506

Pg. 506

Corrects the listed metre to match the text

Pg. 509

And conqu’ring graces battle fought.

And conqu’ring graces’ battle fought.

Required possessive apostrophe missing in AOHB.

Pg. 509

That flesh hath purg’d what flesh hath stain’d,

That flesh hath purg’d what flesh had stain’d,

Correct a theological mistake in the AOHB to correspond with Latin and with J.M. Neale translation

Pg. 515

O Pater sancta

O Pater sancte

Latin error (serious gender of God error)

Pg. 532


Remove meter. This is not metrical.

Pg. 541

Exultet celum laudibus, Eterna Christi munera, and Annue, Christe

See the hymns for Sts Philip & James pp. 539-540

All three hymns listed are for Apostles outside Eastertide. But in the Roman/Ordinariate calendar, unlike the AOHB calendar, Matthias, like Philip & James, will always be in Eastertide or Whitsuntide (only for parishes dedicated to Matthias), and must use Easter Hymns.

Pg. 553

In Anna puerpero

In Anne puerperio

Latin error

Pg. 553

There shall come forth a rod...

Remove antiphon, since this book lists antiphons in the proper, not in the hymnody.

Pg. 558

O Sator rerum reparator ævi

O Sator rerum Reparator ævi

Reparator refers to Christ and MUST be capitalized.

Pg. 564



Incorrect meter

Pg. 566

We adore and bless thee;

We adore and bless Thee;

AOHB Error – Capitalization

Pg. 568-569

There is not normally a First Evensong, except when Sept 14th is a Sunday or for Parishes celebrating it as a Solemnity.

Pg. 579


The hymn Urbs beata Jerusalem is missing in its entirety

Critical Omission (should appear after p. 588)

Pg. 589-590

Ave maris stella is by tradition solely an Evening hymn, while Quem Terra and O Gloriosa are morning hymns

Liturgical deviation from the tradition of the Church

Pg. 593

Verse 2 is as appropriate to the Saint; it is omitted for the feasts of St. Barnabas, St. James, St. Jude, and St. Luke.

Verse 2 is as appropriate to the Apostle and is provided for all Apostles for whom this hymn is proper. Omit the verse if used for any other Apostle. On the Solemnity of SS Peter and Paul, use both proper verses provided.

There is a proper second verse for all of the feasts where this hymn is given in DWDO as being proper, including SS Simon and Jude.
The hymn is not given as proper for the following:
1. The Feast of St. Barnabas. (only a memorial, so no hymn unless a local parish solemnity)
2. The Feast of Sts. Philip & James (the less). (Occurs in Eastertide with a different hymn)
3. The Feast of the Evangelist St. Luke.

Pg. 616

Thy ransom’d flock, Thine own elect. Amen.

Thy ransom’d flock, Thine own elect
To Thee who, dead, again dost live,
All glory, Lord, Thy people give:
All glory, as is ever meet,
To Father and to Paraclete. Amen.

The doxology as given is missing four lines and fails to mention the Trinity

Pg. 617

1. // 2. // 2. // 4.

1. // 2. // 3. // 4.

2. is repeated and 3. is missing.

Pg. 617

1. // 2. // 2. // 4.

1. // 2. // 3. // 4.

2. is repeated and 3. is missing.

Pg. 617

1. // 2. // 2. // 4.

1. // 2. // 3. // 4.

2. is repeated and 3. is missing.

Pg. 618

1. // 2. // 2. // 4.

1. // 2. // 3. // 4.

2. is repeated and 3. is missing.

Pg. 618

For the Bristish Monarch and Head of the Commonwealth

For the King's or the Queen's Majesty.

See below at pg. 633.

Pg. 618

1. // 2. // 2. // 4.

1. // 2. // 3. // 4.

2. is repeated and 3. is missing.

Pg. 619

1. // 2. // 2. // 4.

1. // 2. // 3. // 4.

2. is repeated and 3. is missing.

Pg. 620

1. // 2. // 2. // 4.

1. // 2. // 3. // 4.

2. is repeated and 3. is missing.

Pg. 633

For the Bristish Monarch and Head of the Commonwealth

For the King's or the Queen's Majesty.

Please use this title as given in the BCP (Canadian and 1662 are the same). British is misspelled. Titles are complex and change at governmental whim. Only England, Wales, and Scotland are British, and not Canada (where her title is "Her Majesty Elizabeth the Second, by the Grace of God of the United Kingdom, Canada and Her other Realms and Territories Queen, Head of the Commonwealth, Defender of the Faith", not the British Monarch). 31 of the Commonwealth Nations have abolished the monarchy, and in those republics, no matter how much she is loved, she is no more Queen than in the United States, nor has she any role in government, but is just a symbol of club membership.

Pg. 652

tuis famulis

tuis fámulis

Latin error

Pg. 653

plebi suæ

plebis suæ

Latin error

Pg. 653

LUMEN hílare iucúnda lux tu glóriæ, fons lúminis de lúmine,

IUCÚNDA lux tu glóriæ, fons lúminis de lúmine,

Correct first line. "Lumen hilare" is the title and is not recited or sung. The first line begins with Iucúnda.

Pg. 653

Fulgor diei

Fulgor diéi

Latin error

Pg. 653

fili Dei,

Fili Dei,

Needs to be capitalized.

Pg. 654

magna qui

magna, qui

Latin error

Pg. 655

Christe Redemptor omnium

Christe, Redemptor omnium (Christmas Day) 479

Different texts need two separate index entries

Pg. 655

Christe Redemptor omnium

Christe Redemptor omnium (All Saints' Day) 577

Different texts need two separate index entries

Pg. 655

Christe, pastorum

Christe, pastorum (Fourth Sunday of Easter) 506

Different texts need two separate index entries

Pg. 655

Christe, pastorum

Christe, pastorum (Common of Bishops) 604-605

Different texts need two separate index entries

Pg. 655

Christi perennes nuntii

Christi perennes nuntii (St. Mark) 538

Different texts need two separate index entries

Pg. 655

Christi perennes nuntii

Christi perennes nuntii (St. Matthew) 570

Different texts need two separate index entries

Pg. 655

Colaudemus Magdalene

Collaudemus Magdalene

Latin error

Pg. 656



Pagination error

Pg. 656

In Anna puerpero

In Anne puerperio

Latin error

Pg. 656

O gente felix hospital

O gente felix hospita

Latin error

Pg. 656

O Pater sancta

O Pater sancte

Latin error (serious gender of God error)

Pg. 656

O Sator rerum, peparator ævi

O Sator rerum Reparator ævi

Latin error

Pg. 657

Pange lingua gloriosi prœlium 499, 569

Pange lingua gloriosi (Passion Sunday) 499

Different texts need two separate index entries

Pg. 657

Pange lingua gloriosi prœlium 499, 569

Pange lingua gloriosi prœlium (Holy Cross Day) 569

Different texts need two separate index entries

Pg. 657


The hymn Urbs beata Jerusalem is missing in its entirety

Critical Omission (should appear after p. 588)

Pg. 657

Verbum supernum prodiens 475, 518

Verbum supernum prodiens (Advent 1 & 2) 475

Different texts need two separate index entries

Pg. 657

Verbum supernum prodiens 475, 518

Verbum supernum prodiens (Corpus Christi) 518

Different texts need two separate index entries

Pg. 657

Vox clara ecce intonate

Vox clara ecce intonat

Latin error


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