Biden and Harris sittin' in a tree... .

 ... d-i-s-s-i-n-g. That's all they do. That's all they can do - diss and dismiss.

Let's get political for a moment.

Biden and Harris spend the majority of their media time attempting to create division and chaos. If they manage to establish an expectation and acceptance of division or polarization in the minds of citizens, and chaos spreads, people will become desperate for a solution, for relief from that division and chaos.

In Biden's case, the division he creates is due to the division in his person, between his claim of being a "devout Catholic" while acting like a heathen.

A Litany

Bishop Stika has been a vocal advocate for the right to life and has repeatedly called out the Democrat Party for its anti-life platform.

In early 2019, the bishop slammed Democrats as “the party of infanticide” for their blocking of anti-infanticide legislation in the Senate. Stika tweeted out congratulations to President Donald Trump “for his words regarding the slaughter of babies in the womb” in the State of the Union address, adding that the Democrats’ response “demonstrates that they are the Party of Infanticide.”

History will one day see them like the Democrats of the Civil War era, “who believed slaves were not human,” the bishop added. - Twitter

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(Cardinal) Burke, who was named prefect of the Vatican’s Supreme Court of the Apostolic Signature in June, told the Italian Catholic newspaper Avvenire that the U.S. Democratic Party risked “transforming itself definitively into a party of death for its decisions on bioethical issues.”

He said Biden and Pelosi, “while presenting themselves as good Catholics, have presented Church doctrine in a false and tendentious way.” - Reuters

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Biden and Harris have something in common. If you haven't noticed, they tow the socialist line. They might prefer the term 'progressive'; however, they definitely talk and walk like socialist ducks. Their policies are anything but centrist or even moderately left-wing.

  1. Biden has embraced Bernie Sanders' platform wholesale. Sanders, need it be said, is America's socialist idol.
  2. Harris: do read her 2019 Report Card:

In a House of Commons speech on October 22, 1945, Winston Churchill observed that “the inherent vice of capitalism is the unequal sharing of blessings; the inherent virtue of socialism is the equal sharing of miseries.” 

In May of 1948, Churchill warned that socialism is “a philosophy of failure, a creed of ignorance, and a gospel of envy." Socialists and progressives envy anyone and everyone who represents legitimate authority, authentic dignity, self reliance and resilience. That envy turns to wrath and vengeance when confronted by people who expose socialist ideology for the sham it is. Socialist anger is unleashed as pseudo-justice. Seattle has become a city of scapegoats, for example, as has Portland. The scapegoats and casualties are

  1. the police officers putting themselves in harm's way in an attempt to serve and protect others; and
  2. decent ordinary citizens trying to protect their families, their homes and their businesses.

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  • (Greek: ὀχλοκρατία, romanized: okhlokratía; Latin: ochlocratia) or mob rule is the rule of government by a mob or mass of people and the intimidation of legitimate authorities.

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The refusal to enforce the law results in a loss of order. The loss of order inevitably results in human casualties. A permissive society is a society doomed to be dominated by mob rule. Any society that embraces socialism and its diabolical offspring progressivism or contemporary liberalism is, as Churchill diagnosed, "on a miserable march toward ruin".

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The Portland Police Department said early in the night, protesters threw objects, including bottles, eggs and golf balls at officers and pointed green lasers at their eyes, causing "serious, permanent eye damage."

Some rioters pointed green lasers at officers’ eyes, police said in a press release. Meanwhile, a blue laser was shone into the eyes of another officer three times.

Police said that type of blue laser “can heat paper so hot that it will make it smoke within 3 seconds.”

A group of protesters beat a man bloody and unconscious in the street after he crashed a truck during a confrontation that unfolded near a Black Lives Matter demonstration in downtown Portland late Sunday night, according to police, witnesses and multiple videos.

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The thugs currently ruling Portland and elsewhere are leftists, extreme leftists. They shout and act the way they do because they want to intimidate others into complying with their agenda. They have no rational arguments to defend their political position(s), so they rely on violence to rip up the soil to render it ready for planting socialist ideology.

Socialists and progressives groom every situation in order to allow themselves to function as saviors. They manufacture and exploit multiple dependencies that rob citizens of their rights and dignity. During a time of instability, citizens - ready to accept anything that purports to be a solution - will jump on the socialist bandwagon to find some fleeting relief from the chaos others have been tricked into manufacturing. The state, made the lord of people's lives, becomes the owner of human rights and arbiter or dispenser of freedoms rather than an agent ensuring the protection of inalienable rights. When people give in to the temptation to accept "relief" at all costs, trading inalienable rights for some immediate relief from anxiety, and chase after a false promise of security, such a state is not far from descending into despair and madness, as Churchill warned and history confirms. Seventy-five years of Soviet communism stands as an example of the utter depravity and ruin of the socialist enterprise.

If our American cousins fall for the Biden-Harris socialist rhetoric and vote them into office, the rest of America will start to resemble the war zones in states already controlled by Democrats. Democrat strongholds like Seattle and Portland will then be just two among many examples of lawlessness, of mob rule, mob violence and mob chaos.

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The astute George Weigel has mined the following wisdom that exposes the source of the disastrous effects plaguing many places.

Ernst-Wolfgang Böckenförde diagnosed a primary cause of our current distress over half a century ago.

Böckenförde was a German constitutional law scholar whose “dictum” is familiar to, if often ignored by, political scientists: “The liberal secularized state lives on conditions that it cannot guarantee itself.” Put another way, the liberal institutions of a modern democracy – free speech, a free press, freedom of association, universal adult suffrage, majority rule and protection of minority rights, religious freedom, and so forth – rely for their credibility, and their tensile strength under pressure, on cultural foundations those liberal institutions cannot, by themselves, create or defend. Thus American democracy is not, and can never be, a machine that runs by itself. The cultural and moral lubricants of the machinery – indeed, the very rationale for this kind of machinery rather than some other kind – must come from somewhere else.

For over two centuries in the United States, that “somewhere else” was a public moral culture formed by biblical religion and natural law philosophy. Biblical religion taught Americans the built-in dignity and value of every human person as a person, irrespective of condition. The philosophy of the natural law taught Americans that there are moral truths inscribed in the world and in us, that we can know those truths by reason, and that knowing them teaches us our duties. These cultural norms underwriting American democracy were sometimes forgotten or ignored. But they were there, and people of character could appeal to them to reform the Republic and help it realize its promise of freedom in solidarity for all Americans.

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Pelosi's and Biden's muddled actions are symptoms of a dangerous infection. That infection is caused by a dangerous virus: the acquisition of power by any means trumps (the duty of Catholics to keep) the commandments of God. Without faith and reason united, politicians become intoxicated with the very thought of acquiring power, and upon the attainment of power they soon crave more. The craving undoes the responsibilities attached to power.

As Weigel reminds:

Biblical religion taught Americans the built-in dignity and value of every human person as a person, irrespective of condition. The philosophy of the natural law taught Americans that there are moral truths inscribed in the world and in us, that we can know those truths by reason, and that knowing them teaches us our duties.

The laws of a nation, if that nation hopes to survive and thrive, must conform to God's law. A Catholic politician has the responsibility to lobby and legislate using the democratic institutions available to bring man's laws into harmony with God's laws. Without God's eternal law providing the foundation for a state, such a God-less state will evapourate into paganism and superstition. Pagan societies create scapegoats and murder the innocent.

For Biden, God's laws are ignored and given second status at best. Biden has repeatedly chosen to render unto Caesar that which belongs to God. Along with surrendering the truth, he and Pelosi, Cuomo and a million other willfully disobedient Catholics approve the deaths of millions of innocent unborn humans. Faithful Catholics should say 'no' to someone who so shockingly ignores the demands of his faith, the Catholic Faith.

President Trump is an unsettling character in many respects, and he may fall well short of the ideal political candidate, whatever that means. However, he has demonstrated something neither Biden nor Harris are capable of: the will to protect innocent life.

Paul Zeller, at the Center of the American Experiment, shines a light on President Trump's behaviour. During the lead up to this his first term in office, President Trump demonstrated...

... two conspicuous virtues that his Republican opponents, and Hillary Clinton too, lacked. One was a sense of humor. To address rallies for an hour at a time off the cuff and keep them laughing is very hard to do. His humor was not gentlemanly or self-deprecating like Reagan’s; it was cutting, bold, outrageous, and usually at the expense of his opponents and the press. But Trump connected with his audience as Reagan did, because each spoke as a citizen to fellow citizens, without a trace of the policy expert’s condescension, cosmopolitanism, or crocodile tears. The press never got Trump’s humor.

Since attaining office, President Trump has aptly demonstrated his "second virtue",...

... a kind of courage in defense of one’s own. This was a courage never tested in war or physical emergency, to be sure, but it was a large, and impressive, political fact. He was prepared to stand up for his family, his company, his campaign, his country, and for his country’s jobs, workers, factories, and products. Courage never demands that one be perfect or morally pure, and he isn’t, so this virtue fit his rhetorical needs and strength. America does not have to be perfect for him to defend her wholeheartedly against her enemies. He does not have to be perfect to seek or to assert the privilege of defending her. Warts and all. It’s necessary only to love her.

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A real Catholic nun spoke this evening, Night 3, at the RNC. Sister Dede Byrne's perspective is well worth several viewings:

or 56:07 @ the link below:

Others tell it like it is, and tell it well:

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How will Biden and Harris demonstrate love of country should they attain the highest offices in the land? The answer is manifest in everything Biden and Harris have done and shown about themselves thus far. Study their behaviour, their accomplishments, and there is little doubt about how America will look in four years should they be elected. Their legacy will most certainly be "an equal sharing of miseries".


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