Triduum and Easter with the Ordinariate

Communicants this Easter must be content with remote participation.

Where two or three aren't gathered... .

We are stuck in the catacombs. We dare not risk a reprimand (or worse) for congregating to assist at Mass. Perhaps the experience of being confined to a crypt (apartment, condo, house, garage...) will better dispose us to the silence of the Tomb this Holy Saturday. Of course, there is that annoying retort - "Well, at least you have an apartment or house or [fill in the blank] to dwell in." Those who reduce the argument to material security are missing the point.

Let's make good use of these days to review the text of the Mass, especially the propers for each day of the Sacred Triduum and Easter Day.

My hope is that the first Mass I am permitted to serve at will be slow... very very slow, as in a crawl. Next to a desecration, a rushed Mass would be the worst form of negligence to inflict upon those who have suffered the agony of liturgical distancing.


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