Ordinariate Becomes 14th U.S. ‘Restored Order’ Diocese

Peter Jesserer Smith has this at the NCRegister:

Ordinariate Becomes 14th U.S. ‘Restored Order’ Diocese

Bishop Steven Lopes said the 10-year old diocese has made Confirmation and First Communion at the same celebration for youth the norm going forward.

With the recent pastoral letter “Come, Holy Ghost,” Bishop Steven Lopes revealed the Ordinariate of the Chair of St. Peter would now become the 14th Latin-Rite diocese to make the reception of Holy Eucharist normally follow Confirmation, something commonly called “restored order” of the sacraments, with a focus on involving the child’s family in sacramental preparation.

“The principle upon which the Ordinariate’s practice must be founded, therefore, is the essential bond between the Sacraments of Confirmation and Holy Communion,” Bishop Lopes said in his pastoral letter on the Holy Spirit. “Ideally, therefore, Confirmation and First Holy Communion are conferred in the same celebration.”

Click on the link to read the entire article:

The Ordinariate of the Chair of St. Peter covers all of North America.


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