2019 Ordinariate Year In Review: A Few Highlights

2019 Conference on the Anglican Tradition in the Catholic Church
Pope Grants Plenary Indulgence for Praying at Ordinariate Mass
Canonization of John Henry Newman
Solemn Mass of Consecration: Parish Church of the Most Precious Blood
New Ordinary for Personal Ordinariate of Our Lady of the Southern Cross
Updated Complementary Norms
Ordinariate Clergy, Staff and Campus Safe and Dry (in the wake of Hurricane Harvey)
The Saint Peter Gradual
Let us give thanks to God for those men ordained to the priesthood and diaconate. May the Lord grant them an abundance of His grace to help them fulfill His will for them.

Let us remember our brothers and sisters, lay and ordained, who died this past year. Rest eternal grant unto them, O Lord, and let light perpetual shine upon them.

In other news:

Gavin Ashenden explains why he is becoming Catholic this Sunday
Ordinariate Member Elected Premier of Alberta, Canada


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