Speaking Of The Ordinariate

The Ordinariate Dialect
In Approximate Form

Ecclesiastical Parlance 101

Amen: ah-men; ay-men; ay-may-yen (Texas)
Buried: beh-ree-ed or bare-reed or beh-reed
Ciborium: chih-bo-rih-um; sih-bo-rih-um
Chasuble: chaz-yoo-bull (Mancunian); chazabull.
Cope: rhymes with soap; koe-uph (Southern USA)
Father: faw-thuh (Mancunian)
He suffered and was buried (Creed): He suf-fer-ed and was bay-ree-ed
Oratory: oh-ra-toe-ree; ora-tree (UK)
Patrimony: peh-trih-muh-nee; pat-chrih-moh-nee
Righteous: rye-tyuss; rye-tee-uss; rye-chuss
Righteousness: rye-tyuss-nuss; rye-tee-uss-nuss; rye-chuss-ness
Saith: seth; say-yith (Texas)
Scripture: skrip-chur; skrip-tyoor
Shouldest: shoudst or should-est
Surplice: cotta
Trespasses (Lord's Prayer): tress-passes (NA); tress-p'ssez/puh-sez (dotted or triplet rhythm: UK)
Venite: veh-NIGH-tee
Wrath (Penitential Rite): rawth (definitely not rath, as in bath)

And... for a little extra flavour: Ben Crystal - Pt 5: Shakespeare's accent - Speaking the bright and beautiful English of Shakespeare


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