Monsignor Newton at the Catholic Herald: "the Joyful ‘Englishness’ of Catholicism".

Peter Jesserer Smith: I've really enjoyed and appreciated the Divine Worship Mass. The poetry of the language, to me, really helps the prayers of the Mass stick to your bones.

Monsignor Newton: It does. People when they come to it they'll say, “it is very different.” I tell them, well, you have to let liturgy seep in. You can’t judge it on one or two occasions. Somehow it’s got to get into you and become part of your spirituality, where you respond to it. And I must say, I'm mostly celebrating Divine Worship now. I still do the [ordinary] Roman Rite sometimes at some churches I go to, either diocesan churches or not. I mean, on Sunday, I'm going to Liverpool and I'm going to celebrate Mass in the cathedral there and it will be Novus Ordo. Having celebrated it now, I do find it a bit weak in parts and its language. Whereas [in Divine Worship] there’s a sort of clarity about what you’re doing. And of course, the Roman Canon is used a lot more in our [Mass], which is much more definite about what is happening during the Mass than perhaps some of the other Eucharistic Prayers. Many [diocesan] parishes don’t use the Roman Canon very often.


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