Bishop Lopes responds to Pew Research Survey

The Anglicanorum Coetibus Society blog has a noteworthy post.

It begins:
Bishop Steven Lopes has responded in a most instructive way to the disturbing recent Pew Research study showing 70 per cent of Catholics in America do not believe in Real Presence in the Eucharist.
In an interview with Peter Jesserer Smith at the National Catholic Register, Bishop Lopes explains that better catechesis is not necessarily the solution:
I am sympathetic with the idea that we need better and more effective catechesis. I remember the catechesis before the publication of the Catechism of the Catholic Church and catechesis after the publication of the Catechism of the Catholic Church. So in other words, the resources are there, the catechesis is there. The catechesis today is in really much better shape. So there’s a “yes, but …” if you will, when I hear “well, we need better catechesis.” Well yes, but we can’t make it an intellectual thing alone. Because God and Christ’s gift of himself in the Eucharist is not an idea. It’s not an idea to be captured by the mind. It is a true self-gift. It is a personal gift of Christ to his Church, to the soul of the believer.
Visit the ACS blog to read the entire post! 


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