The Evangeliary

General Instruction of the Roman Missal
44. Among gestures are included also actions and processions, by which the Priest,
with the Deacon and ministers, goes to the altar; the Deacon carries the Evangeliary or
Book of Gospels to the ambo before the proclamation of the Gospel(.)
Divine Worship: Rubrical Directory (p.125)
23. In the celebration of Mass with a congregation, the readings are usually proclaimed from the lectern, or, where it is the custom, the Gospel may be proclaimed from another suitable place in the sanctuary, from the pulpit, or from the midst of the congregation.
"The Evangeliary ... is a liturgical book containing only those portions of the four Gospels which are read during Mass or in other public offices of the Church. The corresponding terms in Latin are Evangeliarium and Liber evangeliorum. The Evangeliary developed from marginal notes in manuscripts of the Gospels and from lists of Gospel readings (capitularia evangeliorum). Generally included at the beginning or end of the book containing the whole Gospels, these lists indicated the days on which the various extracts or pericopes were to be read. They developed into books in which they were accompanied by the texts to which they referred, with the passages arranged in accordance with the liturgical year rather than in their order within the Gospels themselves, and omitting passages not used in the liturgy." (Wikipedia)

Gospel Procession into the Nave: click HERE for link or click on the video below. Forward to 20:13 - 24:10.


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