Ordinariate Rising: Precious Blood Parish

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Catholic World Report (Joanna Bogle) has the story:
A story of restoration: An Anglican community finds home in the Catholic Church
The renovations include a new marble floor and a new font, an exact replica of the original one that was removed some years ago. The marble floor is in grey and red, the latter honouring Christ’s blood. The sanctuary with its notable baldachino has been completely cleaned and the baldachino freshly repainted. A new heating system—one of the first items to be installed—lies beneath the gleaming new floor. The sacristy with its Victorian panelling and unusual “lantern” window has been restored to its original use and holds an array of good vestments.
Weekday Masses, restored to their place in church, are well-attended, as the church stands just across the river from the City of London with its teeming crowds of office-workers. The main Sunday Mass is full, and new pews—matching the original ones, which have been cleaned and restored—have been added. The choir-loft has been cleared and fitted with proper choir stalls and the children’s choir, led by choirmaster Christopher Smith, sings from there every Sunday. They sing English Mass settings by Merbecke, and well-known Latin ones including Credo III, attending a choir practice every Thursday before Evensong.


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