Andrew Petiprin, former Episcopalian Canon now Catholic, on Ecumenism

Pope Saint Paul VI and Michael Ramsey

Andrew Petiprin 23MAY2019

Which reads in part... .
The publication of Anglicanorum Coetibus in 2009 and the establishment of the personal ordinariates by Benedict XVI have brought the seed sown in the meeting between Ramsey and Paul VI to its full flourish. Even diocesan priests outside of the ordinariates are now able to use the Anglican-influenced Divine Worship where there is a pastoral need.
Today, those with the right kind of eyes can see exciting next steps for Catholic unity in what at first glance appears like a breakdown of ecumenical integrity.
Consider recent comments by Archbishop Justin Welby, Ramsey’s successor in the see of Canterbury five times removed. Far from Ramsey’s description of Newman’s “final tragedy”, Welby finds conversions encouraging. “Who cares?” he told the Spectator. “I don’t mind about all that. Particularly if people go to Rome, which is such a source of inspiration.” Newman re-emerges as a trailblazer, not Ramsey’s sad byproduct of a less understanding ecclesiastical age. The Episcopal Church now even commemorates Newman on its sanctoral calendar.


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