Tenebrae: a light in the darkness.

Tenebrae, Ordinariate style, was a first for yours truly:
  • Anglican chant
  • English plainchant
  • loads of readings (9) and all the prescribed texts.
The hearse cooperated. The dripless candles remained in place. We used a little reusable poster putty to shim and hold the candles in place - worked like a charm!

Readings were distributed to and chanted by our pastor, Ordinary-elect of the Personal Ordinariate of Our Lady of The Southern Cross Monsignor Carl Reid, yours truly and a brother Instituted Acolyte.

The occasion marked a return of the traditional Tenebrae service to these Catholic shores. Members of the Latin (Extraordinary Form) Mass community attended, confirming a shared love of the received tradition of the Church. (A hearty 'thank you' and 'well done' to Mr. Perkins for informing and inviting the Latin Mass community!)

I can't say how many were in the congregation - more than 15, less than 30? The service was conducted with due solemnity. The strepitus was particularly effective.

For me, the service was yet another reason why I belong in the Ordinariate, an affirmation of God's call to the oasis of beauty and truth found in the Anglican Patrimony received into full communion with the Catholic Church.

Deo gratias!


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