Catholic Herald Discovers New World

In a month’s time, (the Catholic Herald's William Cash) will be boarding a plane to Washington for the launch of the new American weekly edition of the Catholic Herald (CH). (...) With the American Church in a state of crisis, (the) feeling is that a fresh voice on Catholic affairs is exactly what is needed in a country where there are more Catholics (an estimated 75 million) than the entire population of Britain. Above all, (CH) intend(s) to take a positive attitude towards how to both re-build and restore faith in the Church, not just in America but across the world.

Throughout its history, the Herald has broken some of the most important Catholic stories(.) (...) The Herald has also been the chosen platform for many of the world’s most influential Catholic writers, including GK Chesterton, Evelyn Waugh, Graham Greene and JRR Tolkien. We will continue this tradition, including new American voices.

Welcome Catholic Herald. What took you so long?


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