
The month of November is dedicated to the Holy Souls.

November begins with two beautiful days the Feasts of All Saints and All Souls. Holy Mother Church remembers all of her children, to whom she has given the life of Jesus through Baptism ...We all know that during this whole month we give them extra love and care, by praying to them and for them."—St. Teresa of Calcutta


Allhallowtide, Hallowtide, Allsaintstide, or the Hallowmas season, is the triduum encompassing the Western Christian observances of All Saints' Eve (Hallowe'en), All Saints' Day (All Hallows') and All Souls' Day, which last from 31 October to 2 November annually. Allhallowtide is a "time to remember the dead, including martyrs, saints, and all faithful departed Christians." The present date of Hallowmas (All Saints' Day) and thus also of its vigil (Hallowe'en) was established for Rome perhaps by Pope Gregory III (731–741) and was made of obligation throughout the Frankish Empire by Louis the Pious in 835 A.D.

The word Allhallowtide was first used in 1471, and is derived from two words: the Old English word halig, meaning saint, and the word tide, meaning time or season (Christmastide, Eastertide, etc.). The latter part of the word Hallowmas is derived from the word Mass. The words hallow and saint are synonyms.

All Hallows' Eve

All Hallows' Eve, often contracted as Halloween, is the eve of All Hallows (All Saints' Day), and the first day of the Allhallowtide. In Spain, Christian priests tolled their church bells in order to allow their congregants to remember the dead on All Hallows' Eve. The Christian Church traditionally observed Hallowe'en through a vigil "when worshippers would prepare themselves with prayers and fasting prior to the feast day itself." This church service is known as the Vigil of All Hallows or the Vigil of All Saints; an initiative known as Night of Light seeks to further spread the Vigil of All Hallows throughout Christendom. After the service, "suitable festivities and entertainments" often follow, as well as a visit to the graveyard or cemetery, where flowers and candles are often placed in preparation for All Saints' Day (All Hallows).

All Saints' Day

The second day of Allhallowtide is known as All Saints' Day, All Hallows, or Hallowmas. Occurring on 1 November, it is a "principal feast of the church year. All Saints' Day is a holy day to honour all the saints and martyrs, both known and unknown. All Hallows is "a universal Christian holy day." While honouring the Church Triumphant, All Hallows seeks to especially "honour the blessed who have not been canonized and who have no special feast day." On All Saints' Day, many Christians visit graveyards and cemeteries in order to place flowers and candles on the graves of their loved ones.

All Souls' Day

The final day of Allhallowtide is known as All Souls' Day. All Souls' Day focuses on honouring all faithful Christians "who are unknown in the wider fellowship of the Church, especially family members and friends." However, today, All Saints' Day and All Souls' Day have become conflated, and many Christians remember all the dead souls or "saints" on All Saints' Day.' The observance of All Souls' Day "was spread throughout Europe" by Saint Odilo of Cluny in the late 13th century. Like All Hallows' Eve and All Saints' Day, family members often attend Mass and visit the graves of their deceased loved ones, placing flowers and lighted candles there. The Office of the Dead is read out in churches on All Souls' Day." In England, a popular tradition associated with All Souls' Day is souling, in which "bands of children, or of poor men, went round to the houses of the well-to-do on Souling Day, as they called it, begging money, apples, ale, or doles of cake. In some parts specially baked cakes were prepared in readiness to give away; they were called soul-cakes." The individuals who go souling often chant rhymes as they go door to door; for example, an old saying goes: "A Soule-cake, a soule-cake, have mercy on all Christian souls for a soule-cake."


Catholic Encyclopædia


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