Deborah Gyapong: How do you join the Ordinariate?

Interested in joining the Ordinariate as a member? Follow the link above.

Even if you are not from an ecclesial background that facilitates "membership", all are welcome to attend an Ordinariate parish. Most Ordinariate communities include cradle Catholics and converts from protestant and non-churched backgrounds.

Parents of children who receive the sacraments in Ordinariate communities, typically, are active participants in said communities, regardless of whether or not they are former Anglicans eligible for "membership". Many cradle Catholics, seeking the Catholic Faith, attend Ordinariate parishes because they find in those communities a tenacious love for the Faith undefiled by theological compromise and false charity. They want to bring up their children among people of faith who are committed to handing on the Catholic Faith as taught and lived by the Saints.

Why join an Ordinariate community?—you seek an ardent love of God and His Church and you seek to worship God in the beauty of holiness. When many Catholic parishes seem to be following the downward lead of mainline protestant religions which many converts to Catholicism left because of their conformity to the world in thought and practice, the Ordinariate offers a wellspring of orthodoxy and orthopraxy whereby worshippers may encounter God on His terms. The Ordinariate Mass, i.e., Divine Worship, is a particularly beautiful form of the Sacred Liturgy which preserves a clear orientation to God. Those who desire sound Apostolic preaching and God-centred liturgy will feel entirely welcome and at home with the Ordinariate.

Let us not forget that, Ordinariate Catholics preserve a spirituality of hospitality that has long characterized their experience as former Anglicans. Inherited from the Benedictine monasticism which strongly formed the pre-Reformation English mind, a dedication to welcoming strangers is a hallmark of Ordinariate spirituality and culture, a character preserved in Anglo-Catholicism and Anglicanism. Fellowship, which typically follows Mass, is an essential aspect of Ordinariate spirituality and community.

Of course, the best reason to attend an Ordinariate parish is because there one will find the True, the Good and the Beautiful, which are the hallmarks of faith in Jesus Christ.


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