So,... you want to build a(n Ordinariate) church, eh?

Our Lady of Walsingham Cathedral, Houston TX
photo by Gilbert

So, yours is a community in formation. You have grand aspirations to build a beautiful house of prayer dedicated to the worthy celebration of the sacraments according to Divine Worship: the Missal. What's next?

Feel free to add to the list.
  1. Start by praying; keep on praying. Never stop praying. “Pray as though everything depended on God. Work as though everything depended on you."(St. Augustine)
  2. Ad maiorem Dei gloriam. Do all things for the greater glory of God. Give thanks to God always!
  3. Speaking the truth in love, we are to grow up in every way into him who is the head, into Christ, from whom the whole body, joined and knit together by every joint with which it is supplied, when each part is working properly, makes bodily growth and upbuilds itself in love. (Ephesians 4:15-17) Build community by celebrating Mass with due reverence. Defer to God's greater wisdom and seek His will in all things.
  4. Jesus said, “‘Woman, here is your son.’ Then [turning to John,] he said to the disciple, ‘Here is your mother.’ And from that hour the disciple took her into his own home” (Jn 19:26–27) Seek the intercession of the saints, especially Mary, the Mother of God and our mother. Ask the help of the angels: to protect and guide the work of the community; to keep all eyes on God through to the completion of the project.
  5. Start a conversation: invite others to "Do something beautiful for God." (St. Teresa of Calcutta)
  6. Invite people to join in the adventure, to share their skills. Remember, an adventure is just that: "an exciting or remarkable experience". Adventure entails risk; be prepared to address the risks. A nuanced and decisive plan of action that accounts for the risks is absolutely necessary.
  7. You may say to yourself, “My power and the strength of my hands have produced this wealth for me.” But remember the Lord your God, for it is he who gives you the ability to produce wealth, and so confirms his covenant, which he swore to your ancestors, as it is today (Deuteronomy 8:17-18). Start a building development fund. Once begun, promote commitment to the project in a positive and engaging manner. Be real about the effort needed to build and sustain a parish church. Joyfully encourage generosity founded upon prayer and the desire to provide a lasting legacy of faith, hope, love, truth, goodness and beauty—all for the glory of God and the edification of His people.
  8. As every man hath received the gift, even so minister the same one to another, as good stewards of the manifold grace of God. (1 Peter 4:10) Be good stewards of the gifts—artistic and creative, financial and organizational, technological and practical—that God entrusts to your community.
  9. Seek the wisdom of those who have lived experience. Consult with those best able to help realize your plans.
  10. And, in good times and bad, give thanks to God and trust in His mercy. We give thee thanks, O Lord God Almighty, who art, and who wast, and who art to come: because thou hast taken to thee thy great power, and thou hast reigned. (Revelation 11:17)
(Nothing gets done without the leadership of your bishop!)

Admittedly, yours truly is a fan of the Gothic Revival. The following recommendations reflect that bias. A bias, it might be added, that is not without foundation.



Additional Resources (click on various tabs)

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Gothic Revival

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The church was designed by the firm of Cram & Ferguson Architects to reflect our Anglican heritage. The exterior is faced with Texas limestone and inspired by 14th century churches in the Walsingham area of Norfolk, England.

The bells were cast in Normandy, France by the Cornille-Havard Bell Foundry. The beautiful stained glass windows were designed by Willet Studios in Philadelphia. The wooden pulpit, the altar rail and the wooden facade of the Holy House Chapel were carved in Colombia. The hand-carved reredos and the tabernacle were handcrafted in Spain by Grande Liturgical Arts.

The former church located adjacent to the present church building was originally designed and built by parishioners in 1992. It has since been remodelled at the time of the construction of the outdoor shrine to meet our growing needs for space.  This building, now known has St. Jude Hall, contains a large parish hall with kitchen for hospitality functions and programs, the Shrine Shoppe, as well as a complete suite of offices.

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A Taste Of The Patrimony

Candace Iron, author

Henry Langley's Catholic Church Commissions: Adapting Charles Borromeo's lnstructianes to the Gothic Revival in Canada

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Gothic Revival Architecture

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Anthony Symondson and Stephen Bucknall, authors

Sir Ninian Comper: An introduction to his life and work, with complete gazetteer.
Spire books & the Ecclesiological Society (2006)

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A.Welby Pugin, architect, author

Contrasts: or a parallel between the noble edifices of the middle ages and corresponding buildings of the present day; shewing the present decay of taste.

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Rosemary Hill, author

God's Architect: Pugin and the Building of Romantic Britain. Penguin (2008)

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Food For Thought

Anne J. Krush, Johns Hopkins Hospital, author

The Historical and Archaeological Significance of Medieval Bench End Carvings in Some Parish Churches in Suffolk, England.

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A Prayer for Assistance

O MARY, OUR LADY OF WALSINGHAM, who didst grant Richeldis a vision of thy house in Nazareth, and who didst entrust her with the mission to build thy shrine, we beseech thee to intercede before the throne of God for assistance to help us build a house of prayer wherein the true, good and beautiful celebration of the sacraments ordained for our salvation may be reverently conducted unto the glory of God. We humbly beseech thee, Most Holy Mother of God, to pray that God grant to us the wisdom to do His will at all times, the grace to diligently work to build a house of prayer, a home for all who thirst for truth and who hunger for righteousness and healing, a home for vocations to the priesthood, religious life and marriage, and the strength to persevere in our quest to honour God by constructing a church worthy of His Name. Pray that God will inspire labourers gifted with excellent craftsmanship and artistry to join this cause, and may God inspire generous hearts to contribute their prayers and resources to the achievement of this enterprise. O Most kind and loving Mother, pray for us that we may proceed in charity and unfailing commitment born of gratitude for salvation in Christ and in thanksgiving for every gift that flows from the hand of God. Amen.

Our Father. Hail Mary. Glory Be.

Saint Joseph: pray for us.
[Parish Patron]: pray for us.
All holy men and women: pray for us.


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