Home Sweet (temporary) Home

The Fellowship of Blessed John Henry Newman leaves our former home, Our Lady of Fatima Parish, for another parish dedicated to our Lady.

Deo gratias! The Parish of Our Lady Queen of Peace (QoP), in Esquimalt, has offered to host the Fellowship.

After feverish activity to find accommodation, the pastor of QoP, Fr. John, offered to take in the Fellowship. Laudetur Iesus Christus! The sanctuary of Queen of Peace is well suited to Divine Worship. The portable altar for the Ordinary Form is routinely moved aside for the EF Mass. There is a communion rail, restored a few years ago, and the high altar is, of course, ad orientem. A proper sacristy adjoins the sanctuary. The sanctuary, the only parish in the Diocese of Victoria that preserves an ad orientem altar with central tabernacle), save the removal of the communion rail, was left mostly intact in the wake of the (unjustified) changes that occurred in the 1970s.

There is an elevator between the street level and the second floor for those with mobility difficulties.

Our Lady Queen of Peace Church

QoP hosts the Ordinary Form Mass (English and Hungarian), a Sunday and Friday Extraordinary Form Mass, and in a couple of weeks the parish will host the Ordinariate Form Mass (Divine Worship) on Sundays at 2pm (3pm on first Sundays) following the EF Mass.

QoP hosted the ordinations to the diaconate of Ordinariate candidates for the priesthood by then Bishop Richard Gagnon of the Diocese of Victoria.

Previously, QoP hosted a Mass for Spanish speakers. Our Lady of Fatima Parish, the former hosts of the Fellowship, will now host the Spanish community.

Thank you to all who have prayed for the Fellowship! Please continue to pray that God will bless the Fellowship with a home of its own.


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