Another Seeker Finds Ordinariate Beauty

H/T Deborah Gyapong at Anglicanorum Coetibus Society (ACS)

Barbara Nicolosi

ATTN: Los Angeles Catholics

Have you struggled to find a parish where you can worship and receive the sacraments without some combination of outrage and horror, or at least the need to block out the banality in resignation?

... Motorcycle Guy and I were like you - flitting around from parish to parish in the San Gabriel Valley and beyond, trying desperately to find a Sunday Mass that wasn't the hardest thing we had to do all week. We finally found an unlikely home, but a great one.

The baby parish of Our Lady of Grace is part of the Anglican Ordinariate. They are a group of Anglicans who petitioned to be reunited to the Catholic Church and have recently had their pastor, Fr. Aaron Bayles ordained as a Catholic priest. The liturgy is lovely - basically follows the Latin Rite but using some of the splendidly rich prayers from the Book of Common Prayer. They also have wonderful music - robust, lyrical hymns rich in theological imagery - nothing like what I hear at most Evangelical praise and worship sessions, and far better than what passes for hymnody at regular Catholic parishes these days.

All we need is more people to come!

Visit the ACS Blog for the full article.


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