June 2018 Contra Mundum: the parish newspaper of The Congregation of St. Athanasius.

Click on the link above to read the June 2018 edition of Contra Mundum published by the Congregation of Saint Athanasius.

  1. The Most Necessary of All Devotions,” an article from the The Oratory Magazine, the church paper of The Brompton (London) Oratory
  2. What Is an Apology?” explained by Fr Bradford and exemplified by the following two articles
  3. What the Soul Is in a Body …” from The Epistle to Diognetus, the work of a Christian disciple, variously dated AD 130 to the end of the second Century
  4. Constantly Reminding One Another of These Things” by St Justin Martyr (100-165), an early Christian apologist and the best known of the second-century Church Fathers
  5. State Programs Open to All Citizens?,” an article by Father Bradford, citing The New York Times and “Washington Insider” by William L. Saunders, a regular feature in The National Catholic Bioethics Quarterly
  6. Cause for Celebration” by Fr Charles J. Higgins from “The Pastor’s Note” in the church paper of Mary Immaculate of Lourdes Parish in Newton
  7. Nationhood as a Gift from God,” an excerpt by Alexander Solzhenitsyn from Leopold Labedz’s Solzhenitysn: a Documentary
  8. Christian Living,” an excerpt from Practical Piety by Hannah More, an evangelical Anglican, educator, and social reformer
  9. Suffering and Passion Shared by Mary,” a sermon preached by Fr Bradford


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