Marian Feast Days in May

Ancient Walsingham Prayer

O alone of all women, Mother and Virgin, Mother most happy, Virgin most pure, now we sinful as we are, come to see thee who are all pure, we salute thee, we honour thee as how we may with our humble offerings; may thy Son grant us, that imitating thy most holy manners, we also, by the grace of the Holy Ghost may deserve spiritually to conceive the Lord Jesus in our inmost soul, and once conceived never to lose him. Amen.

May 1 Our Lady, Queen of the May
May 2 Our Lady of Oviedo, Spain
May 3 Our Lady of Jasna Gora, Poland
May 3 Our Lady of Warsaw, Poland
May 4 Our Lady of the Helper, Normandy, France
May 5 Our Lady, Queen of the Apostles
May 6 Our Lady of Miracles in the Church of Our Lady of Peace, Rome
May 7 Our Lady of Haut, Hainault, France
May 8 Our Lady of Pompeii, Italy
May 9 Our Lady of Loreto, Ancona, Italy
May 10 Our Lady of Saussaie, Paris, France
May 11 Our Lady of Aparecida, Patroness of Brazil
May 11 Apparition of Our Lady to St. Philip Neri
May 11 Dedication of Constantinople to Our Lady
May 12 Our Lady of Power, Aubervillers, France
May 13 Our Lady of the Blessed Sacrament
May 13 Our Lady of Fatima, Portugal, First Apparition
May 13 Dedication Our Lady of Martyrs, Rome
May 14 Our Lady of Bavaria 
May 15 Our Lady of France 
May 16 Apparition of Our Lady to St. Catherine of Alexandria
May 17 Our Lady of Tears, Spoleto, Italy
May 18 Dedication of Our Lady of Bonport Abbey, Diocese of Evreux, France
May 19 Our Lady of Flines, Douay, France
May 20 Dedication of the Church of La Ferté in Honor of Our Lady, Burgundy, France
May 21 Our Lady of Vladimir, Russia
May 21 Our Lady of Sweat, Salerno, Italy
May 22 Our Lady of Monte Vergine, Naples, Italy
May 23 Our Lady of Brezje, Slovakia
May 23 Our Lady of Miracles of Brescia, Italy
May 24 Our Lady Help of Christians (first mentioned by St John Chrysostom)
May 24 Our Lady of Sheshan, China
May 24 Our Lady of the Way (celebrated by the Jesuits)
May 24 Our Lady of the Wayside
May 25 Our Lady the New Jerusalem
May 26 Our Lady Queen of Caravaggio, Italy
May 27 Our Lady of Naples, Italy
May 28 Feast of the Relics of Our Lady, Venice, Italy
May 29 Our Lady of Ardents, Arras, France
May 30 Our Lady of the Sacred Heart, Mexico
May 31 Feast of the Visitation
May 31 Our Lady of All Nations
May 31 Our Lady Mediatrix of All Graces
May 31 Queenship of Mary


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