Two new Ordinariate Priests in Scotland

Two former Anglicans have been ordained as Catholic priests to serve the Personal Ordinariate of Our Lady of Walsingham in Scotland, doubling the number of Ordinariate priests in Scotland.
Father Simon Beveridge who lives near Whithorn in Dumfries and Galloway was ordained a priest in Whithorn in Galloway by Bishop William Nolan on Thursday 14th December. Before being received into the Catholic Church Fr Simon served as a Vicar in the Church of England from 1987 before becoming a Royal Navy Chaplain in 1993 serving with the Commando Royal Marines and latterly as Regional Navy Chaplain (North), based at Faslane on the Clyde.
Father Cameron Macdonald, who lives in Nairn, near Inverness, was ordained in the Scottish Episcopal Church in 1990 and served at St Columba's in Nairn before becoming an Army chaplain in 1995. He served with 3 and 4 Regiment Army Air Corp in Suffolk and then in Croatia as part of the United Nations Peace Keeping Force and later in Germany with the Royal Green Jackets, going on a Tour of Duty to Bosnia. He later served with the 39 Engineers and in Cairo, Gibraltar, America, Oman and Canada.
He was ordained priest on Saturday 16th December by Archbishop Leo Cushley in St Columba's, Edinburgh, the church used for the monthlu Ordinariate Mass in Edinburgh. Fr Cameron will assist Fr Len Black, the senior Ordinariate priest in Scotland, in serving the growing number of Ordinariate people in Scotland. 
The remainder of the article can be read by clicking on the link below:
Let us pray for these two men as they follow the Lord's will in Scotland and labour for the salvation of souls. Our Lady of Walsingham: pray for them.


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