Statue Project: Backdrop and Pedestal.

The Fellowship of Blessed John Henry Newman, Victoria, BC, has very recently added a sumptuous backdrop and restored pedestal for our statue of Our Lady of Walsingham in the Blessed John Henry Newman Chapel, just in time for the Solemnity of Mary, Mother of God.

The statue has been with the Fellowship for some time. It was carved by ALBL Oberammergau, Germany. The stunning backdrop fabric was acquired from Watts & Co., London (UK) by Mrs. Noella Birch at the recommendation of Monsignor Wilkinson, and the finishing work was completed by Mrs. Jane Morris. The pedestal was purchased by Mrs. Birch from a shop in Duncan, BC. Restoration work was completed two days ago by yours truly.

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L-to-R: Very Rev. Fr. Carl Reid, Dean, Deanery of St. John the Baptist
and Pastor, Blessed John Henry Newman, Victoria, BC; Jane Morris, parishioner;
and Monsignor Peter Wilkinson, Assistant Priest.

Jane and Monsignor Peter


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