A New Beginning

This Blog was preceded by a six month period of abstinence. That is, an absence from blogging. A previous blog had run its course. This new journal marks a return with an adjusted focus. The blogger has been adjusted and sees things with a healthier perspective.

This blog will focus on the three transcendentals — truth, goodness and beauty — as found in and through Divine Worship, the Mass of the Ordinariate. For those unfamiliar with Divine Worship, it is enough to point you in the direction of the Mother Ship, or HQ as it is sometimes known: The Ordinariate of the Chair of Saint Peter.

Questions? Visit the following link: https://ordinariate.net/about

It should be said, right at the outset, that this blog does not pretend to be the final authority on Divine Worship, nor the Ordinariate nor even the Catholic Faith. Rather this blogger intends to draw attention to the True, the Good and Beautiful that is found in the Ordinariate, the wonderful oasis established by Pope Benedict XVI for Anglicans seeking individual and corporate reunion with the Catholic Church.

In the Ordinariate one finds former Anglicans, cradle Catholics and converts like myself who have discovered in the Ordinariate a liturgical life that corresponds to and uniquely realizes the intention and letter of the Second Vatican Council, a liturgical spirituality that can also connect the Ordinary and Extraordinary Forms of the Mass.

The Ordinariate Form of the Mass, i.e., Divine Worship, the third form of the Mass if you will, will herein be lauded by yours truly who, in deference to others with a broader and deeper knowledge of what is known in Ordinariate circles as 'The Patrimony', will do his best to represent Divine Worship in ways that help others access the richness of a liturgical patrimony waiting to be discovered by those who earnestly seek the True, the Good and the Beautiful.

This blogger's journey into the Ordinariate marks a third conversion begun more than a decade ago — to beauty and authentic liturgy. Readers are welcome to join the conversation by simply appreciating the information and/or by offering their own joys, struggles, insights and questions through which we may together discover and respond to the grace of God working to bring souls to Himself.

As the subtitle of this Blog indicates, articles will appear occasionally as time permits.

And, the design of the Blog will gradually be refined to better reflect its intended mission.



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"I was gathered into the offering of the Son to the Father. I participated in the self-offering of God today."
Every effort is made herein this blog to conform to the teaching of the Church - Quod ubique, quod semper, quod ab omnibus creditum est. Comments are welcome.