
Showing posts from June, 2019

Anniversary: Fr. Lee Kenyon, Priest. Ad multos annos!

Image Congratulations Fr. Lee! Dear Readers - pray for our priests; pray for our seminarians! A priest is a baptised man who has received the Sacrament of Holy Orders. Through this sacrament, a man enters into the ministerial priesthood which gives him a sacred power to serve (CCC 1592). The ministerial priesthood is given to serve the common priesthood; all the people of God are called to participate in the common priesthood (CCC 1546-1547). A priest is “a means by which Christ unceasingly builds up and leads His Church” ; therefore it is the mission of the Catholic priest “to feed the Church by the word and grace of God”  (LG, 11). As such, a priest is a mediator or ‘bridge-builder’ between God and humanity; he does this by participating in the one priesthood of Jesus Christ, who unites God and humanity in his very being. The priest carries out this ‘bridge-building’ through teaching, divine worship and leading the people (CCC 1592). A...

Church Not Church

Christ Our Savior Catholic Church, California Catholic Daily Shopping mall architecture. A  new Catholic church will soon sprout from what was once one of Orange County’s last remaining parcels of undeveloped farmland. Christ Our Savior Catholic Church and new parish buildings are expected to be dedicated in mid-2020 and will be located at Alton Avenue, Bear Street and MacArthur Boulevard in Santa Ana. [...]  The parish’s new home will be modern, welcoming and inclusive, diocesan officials said. A committee of Christ Our Savior parishioners provided input on the design of the church, which is being designed by San Diego-based domusstudio architecture . The church’s interior is designed so worshippers can see easily sign language interpreters and video monitors. California sycamore, pink trumpet and olive trees will line outdoor walkways and p...

The Evangeliary

General Instruction of the Roman Missal 44. Among gestures are included also actions and processions, by which the Priest, with the Deacon and ministers, goes to the altar; the Deacon carries the Evangeliary or Book of Gospels to the ambo before the proclamation of the Gospel(.) Divine Worship: Rubrical Directory (p.125) 23. In the celebration of Mass with a congregation, the readings are usually proclaimed from the lectern, or, where it is the custom, the Gospel may be proclaimed from another suitable place in the sanctuary, from the pulpit, or from the midst of the congregation . "The Evangeliary ... is a liturgical book containing only those portions of the four Gospels which are read during Mass or in other public offices of the Church. The corresponding terms in Latin are Evangeliarium and Liber evangeliorum . The Evangeliary developed from marginal notes in manuscripts of the Gospels and from lists of Gospel readings ( capitularia evangeliorum ). Generally inclu...

The Confession in the Penitential Rite of Divine Worship: a meditation.

Among the many precious gems to be found in Divine Worship: the Missal, the Mass of the Personal Ordinariates established under the Apostolic Constitution Anglicanorum Coetibus, is the Confession in the Penitential Rite. For those unfamiliar with Divine Worship, the Penitential Rite follows the Prayers of the People  after the Credo . The Rite includes a beautiful prayer, one among many in the Missal . ALMIGHTY God, Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, maker of all things, judge of all men: We acknowledge and bewail our manifold sins and wickedness, which we from time to time most grievously have committed, by thought, word, and deed, against thy divine majesty, provoking most justly thy wrath and indignation against us. We do earnestly repent, and are heartily sorry for these our misdoings; the remembrance of them is grievous unto us, the burden of them is intolerable. Have mercy upon us, have mercy upon us, most merciful Father; for thy Son our Lord Jesus Christ’s sake, fo...

My Bishop's Better Than Yours. A critical look at The Bishop Trust Survey.

A recent survey lists our excellent Bishop Steven J. Lopes in the upper precincts in which are found those USCCB prelates most orthodox and trustworthy. Eleven respondents. Perhaps the less than perfect score can be attributed to a certain miniature train enthusiast (and constant curmudgeon) merely looking to kick (yet again) someone else's caboose. * While the survey gives a somewhat favourable rating for Bishop Lopes, such surveys can be notoriously biased and wildly stupid. (For context it may be useful to recall  Luke 6:26  in this instant!) Raising Cain? Some might rightly find such Rate-Your-Bishop surveys to be cruel and vindictive. Ask any teacher or public official - police officer, nurse, store clerk - who is routinely subject to the basest forms of human behaviour - i.e., revenge for giving a student a low grade; the rantings an entitled employee passed over for ...

Public Consistory for the Vote on Various Causes of Canonization: Bl. John Henry Newman

Image from the Vatican: Ordinary Public Consistory for the Vote on various Causes of Canonization On Monday 1 July 2019, at 10.00, in the Clementine Hall of the Vatican Apostolic Palace, the Holy Father Francis will preside at the celebration of Terce and the Ordinary Public Consistory for the Canonization of the Blesseds: John Henry Newman, Cardinal of the Holy Roman Church, founder of the Oratory of Saint Philip Neri in England ; Giuseppina Vannini (born Giuditta Adelaide Agata), founder of the Daughters of Saint Camillus; Maria Teresa Chiramel Mankidiyan, founder of the Congregation of the Sisters of the Holy Family; Dulce Lopes Pontes (born Maria Rita), of the Congregation of the Missionary Sisters of the Immaculate Conception of the Mother of God; Margarita Bays, virgin of the Third Order of Saint Francis of Assisi.

Parish Excellence: Our Lady of the Atonement, San Antonio; Career Opportunities

Our Lady of The Atonement Ordinariate Roman Catholic Parish In omnibus glorificetur Deus! In all things may God be glorified! Ever wonder what excellence (...and truth and goodness and beauty...) looks like on paper? Our Lady of the Atonement, a real life miracle story , has posted positions including Music Director and Assistant Music Director. Note the Minimum Qualifications section a required expertise is the Ward Method . Amen! May it be said - every parish should strive to be like Our Lady of the Atonement in San Antonio  Parish, Texas, USA. Ora et labora! Click on Images to Enlarge or Click on Links above.

Sham Sham On You: Counterfeit Catholicism (Final Chapter)

A timely diagnosis of a condition is necessary to move a patient toward a cure. Old diseases continue to plague the human family; new ailments arise. Patients need reliable doctors (teachers) to provide treatments to enable health. Patients require a diet of truth, goodness and beauty to maintain health. We are witnessing in the Church a seemingly endless parade of clergymen standing trial for criminal and sinful behaviour. How or why is it that shepherds of the Church choose to become poison to the body? Pride? Lust? Addiction to sinful behaviours? Diabolical influence? Pope Benedict XVI said : (T)he Church is facing very hard times. The real crisis has scarcely begun. We will have to count on terrific upheavals. But I am equally certain about what will remain at the end: not the Church of the political cult, which is dead already, but the Church of faith. She may well no longer be the dominant social power to the extent that she was until recently; but she will enjoy a...

Sham Sham On You: Counterfeit Catholicism (Part Three)

Church Militant Television  (CM), its founder claims, [...] has been handed documents from personnel in the Archdiocese of Chicago who are fed up with the lies and cover-ups. The papers [...] detail allegations of sexual abuse of a minor by former Cardinal Joseph Bernardin. Church Militant has also learned that Cardinal Blase Cupich is now under scrutiny by state and federal law enforcement agencies for failing to report. When massive evils are exposed, there will be casualties, people whose faith is sorely tested by the enormity of the corruption. Though there are safe harbours that offer protection from the storms , some will leave for awhile; perhaps many will never return. How many will remain? When the Son of man comes, will he find faith on earth? Luke 18:8 The video . And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free. John 8:32

Sham Sham On You: Counterfeit Catholicism (Part Two)

Here on the Left Coast of Canada, a.k.a. the Banana Belt, we expect kooks of one kind or another who are well positioned in public life to completely misspend the people's hard-earned cash  and/or resort to the frequent distortion of the public record in order to enact one goofy agenda after another. It could be said that if all the crazies left there'd be no one to run the store. By 'crazies' is meant those miscreants who are cognitively impaired only by their egotism, goofball socialism and 1970s-style petulance that afflicts the dwindling percentage of the population that possesses an adequate degree of commonsense and decency. Since the glorious days of the 1970s - read that last phrase in sarcasm font - the Church on Vancouver Island has witnessed the comings and goings of one or more species of liberal-religionist. Liberal-religionist: dissident relativist progressive (i.e., regressive) self proclaimed prophet Thinking themselves Catholic, ev...

Sham Sham On You: Counterfeit Catholicism (Part One)

Carlo Chiostri , illustrator, The Adventures of Pinocchio Fr. Rosica has resigned from Salt and Light Media. In the desert of his exile, perhaps Fr. Rosica will come to a better understanding of how his practiced indifference to the facts and  cruel actions  (toward a particular tradition-minded blogger, for instance) have led many to consider Fr. Rosica a worthy representative of all that is wrong in the Church. Never Too Late May Fr. Rosica find a better way to apply himself. The Church could use such a reformed priest to serve the truth and the New Evangelization which has the Apostolic Tradition at its heart. Fall Out Damage control is routinely activated to minimize financial losses when an organization attempts to wean itself off its production of shabby fare and shield itself from problematic associations. Statement of the Board of Directors of the Salt and Light Catholic Media Foundation. June 17, 2019. The Board of Directors of the Salt ...


Dr. Edward Peters, canon lawyer, weighs in on the Illinois divide. Below, quoted in part, Dr. Peters' assessment. For a full read of his assessment, visit Dr. Peters' site by clicking on the following link: In The Light of the Law. June 14, 2019 No one thought that Chicago’s Blase Cdl. Cupich would follow Springfield’s Bp. Thomas Paprocki’s example in calling upon Catholic state legislators [...] to refrain from Holy Communion until they repented of their evil deed (Canon 916), further directing that his ministers withhold holy Communion from two specific legislators based on their protracted and public support of such measures (Canon 915), so no one was surprised when Cupich didn’t . [...] 1. Cupich claims that “it would be counterproductive to impose sanctions”. This misrepresents a crucial point: withholding Holy Communion under Canon 915 is not the application of canonical sanction but rather the observance of a sacramental disciplinary norm. Casti...

Corpus Christi @ Blessed John Henry Newman Church, Victoria, BC

Click on Image to Enlarge

Walking Through Divine Worship (Part One): The Collect For Purity

The translation of the Collect for Purity found in Divine Worship: the Missal, the missal of the Personal Ordinariates established under the Apostolic Constitution Anglicanorum Coetibus, follows closely the translation Thomas Cranmer made. The prayer is found in the Leofric Missal (10th and 11th century Lotharingia and England; [ Bodleian Library, Oxford University, Catalogue: Bodley 579 ]) and the Use of Sarum (Salisbury). ALMIGHTY God, unto whom all hearts be open, all desires known, and from whom no secrets are hid: cleanse the thoughts of our hearts by the inspiration of thy Holy Spirit, that we may perfectly love thee, and worthily magnify thy holy Name; through Christ our Lord. Amen. Deus cui omne cor patet et omnis voluntas loquitur: et quem nullum latet secretum: purifica per infusionem sancti spiritus cogitationes cordis nostri: ut te perfecte diligere et digne laudare mereamur, per dominum nostrum iesum christum filium tuum qui tecum vivit et regnat in un...

Counting Trinitytide

As one somewhat familiar with the counting of days according to Pentecost, an appreciation of the sequence of days that rubbed off from time served in the Latin Mass community, this blogger has become acquainted with the Ordinariate experience of or discipline of or happy encounter of numbering days according to the Most Holy Trinity. The Ordinariate, you will recall dear Reader, has preserved the Octave of Pentecost as is appropriate for the Third Person of the Holy Trinity. The phrase Ordinary Time, the ordering of the Church Year common to the New Order of the Mass (Novus Ordo Missae), hardly locates the Christian in liturgical time in a way that suggests to the Christian that to be fully Christian one must live with one foot in time and the other firmly planted in eternity. And so, the label "ordinary" has conditioned diocesan Catholics to think in ordinary terms, i.e., bland terms. Diocesan Catholics have become quite ordinary in that they have become, gener...

Mission Critical: James Kalb - "We need to offer, as the old slogan goes, a choice and not an echo."

Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament - Our Lady of Walsingham Cathedral, Houston, TX A thought provoking piece by James Kalb at Crisis Magazine , which reads in part: A world made up of neutral technologically rational institutions may seem a bad place to look for such things (as ideals of life), but they are always present. The quickest way to understand ideals of life is to look at people’s points of pride. Pride can be burned away by love of God and neighbor, or of the Good, Beautiful, and True. However, its role in human life is not altogether negative. Not everyone is a saint or sage, and for those who aren’t proper pride is part of self-respect and an essential motive for good behavior. [...] People want to distinguish themselves because they want to be something definite, and they want the self-respect that comes from living up to a legitimate ideal. But in a world ordered by technocratic institutions the only way to do that is to distinguish ourselves professiona...


In the void left by a rejection of truth, goodness and beauty, malformed tastes and uniformed choices have been foisted upon Catholic congregations. Given the inclusion of substandard works in, for example, the latest hymnal  in production for Catholic Canadians of the Ordinary Form, the imposition of crass music on congregations is not about to stop any time soon. One publisher of mediocre sound-craft states that an individual responsible for aiding the downward trajectory of the faith of diocesan Catholics is (h)ighly regarded as one of the preeminent liturgical music composers in the English-speaking world(.) To a degree of frequency and depth difficult to exaggerate, the Ordinary Form Mass has suffered the abuse of a repeated Haas-kicking. Haassle-Free Catholicism? David Haas has made clear his obstinate indifference to concerns  about his music, concerns that need to be addressed given his influence among diocesan Catholics. The adult Catholics that I k...


"I was gathered into the offering of the Son to the Father. I participated in the self-offering of God today."
Every effort is made herein this blog to conform to the teaching of the Church - Quod ubique, quod semper, quod ab omnibus creditum est. Comments are welcome.