Celebrate Liturgical Authenticity

Members of the communities established by the Apostolic Constitution Anglicanorum Coetibus rely on a multifaceted gift from God that actualizes in the receptive soul a magnificent life in Christ. That gift through which God's grace, His very life, flows into the lives of men and women, includes a beautiful form of the Mass and the Office, pillars of the legacy that Ordinariate Catholics call the Anglican patrimony. Among the Seven Sacraments instituted by Christ, one also finds a sublime form of the Sacrament of Matrimony located in the publication called Divine Worship: Occasional Services . The Ordinariate patrimony has received into the Church vital elements of the Catholic Faith preserved in the Anglican experience. The Anglican patrimony has been assessed by members of the Anglicanae Traditiones Interdicasterial Commission with a mind to orthodoxy. The Commission "reviewed and winnowed centuries of Anglican texts dating back to 1549, then assembled the bes...