
Showing posts from October, 2024

Celebrate Liturgical Authenticity

Members of the communities established by the Apostolic Constitution Anglicanorum Coetibus rely on a multifaceted gift from God that actualizes in the receptive soul a magnificent life in Christ.  That gift through which God's grace, His very life, flows into the lives of men and women, includes a beautiful form of the Mass and the Office, pillars of the legacy that Ordinariate Catholics call the Anglican patrimony.  Among the Seven Sacraments instituted by Christ, one also finds a sublime form of the Sacrament of Matrimony located in the publication called Divine Worship: Occasional Services . The Ordinariate patrimony has received into the Church vital elements of the Catholic Faith preserved in the Anglican experience.  The Anglican patrimony has been assessed by members of the Anglicanae Traditiones Interdicasterial Commission with a mind to orthodoxy. The Commission "reviewed and winnowed centuries of Anglican texts dating back to 1549, then assembled the bes...

Daily Holiness

[ Estimated read time: 9 minutes ] Cotidiana Sanctitatis There are many reminders available to help believers grow in wisdom and holiness, including the writings of holy people, sermons about the spiritual life, and accounts about the saints and how they lived their lives.  The loving action of the Holy Spirit drawing men, women and children into communion with Jesus and His Church is highly evident in the lives of the saints. Discipleship First and foremost, we have the Holy Eucharist and Holy Scripture to support us in our walk with God.  The Daily Office is a particularly satisfying treasury of wisdom.  The Rosary, especially prayed daily, certainly deserves mention as a vehicle through which the believer can receive, with the intercession of the Blessed Virgin, many graces from the Lord to help one grow in holiness and virtue. What does the spiritual life entail for the Catholic?  The Church affirms with good reason that the Holy Eucharist is the source and summi...

Old & New: The Venerable English Mass Of The Personal Ordinariates

If ever there was a master stroke of the Holy Spirit writ plain for Catholics to see, it was the establishment of the Personal Ordinariates during the pontificate of His Holiness Pope Benedict XVI. Is that a plausible claim?  Let's look at what is being  accomplished through the personal ordinariates established by the apostolic constitution Anglicanorum Coetibus . A realized ecumenism. The most effective means so far by which entire groups as well as individuals are being received into the Church.  What is the significance of this new missal to the Ordinariates and the Catholic Church? Msgr. Steenson: This is historic. This is the first time in the history of the Catholic Church that the liturgical texts of a separated Christian community have been brought back into the life of the Church of Rome. This (Ordinariate) missal is now recognized by the Church as standing side by side with the Roman Missal. Dr. Brand: This missal is the fruit of receptive and realized ecumenis...

Parish Peculiarities & The Jester

Fiction? A progressive parish priest has initiated a series of initiatives to foster welcoming and to enhance active participation at Malady of the Intractable Deception Parish in Chicago, IL. From the Parish Bulletin: Pope Francis has said, "All religions are paths to God."  Even if non-Magisterial in nature, we at OMotID take Francis' comments to mean that everyone—baptized and unbaptized—is welcome to receive communion at OMotID parish, for in religion there is neither muslim nor buddhist, transgender nor therian, furry nor otherkin.  Galatians 3:28-29, The Tim Walz Bible. Thursday night birthing classes will be offered for people with uteruses. Desolation | GN 2024 Parishioners will be invited by the celebrant to extend their hands toward the altar during the consecration. The Lord's Prayer will be prayed using gender neutral language. Non-binary divine power, your name is beyond names. We seek your way; your will be done on earth as it is in that state which we...

The Culture of Death Is Dying: An Apocalypse

[ Estimated Read Time 5 minutes ] Those attempting to usher in a new dark age are failing.  They have for a time duped many others into drinking the poison of entitlement and self righteousness.  Their vision of society is a spiritual slum filled with angry and lazy people who shun hard work and envy those who prosper.  Those who abhor reality and who hate themselves make life burdensome by their contempt and lack of mercy toward people of goodwill.  No one wants to live in their slum. Psalm 43 |  Give sentence with me, O God, and defend my cause against the ungodly people; O deliver me from the deceitful and wicked man.  For thou art the God of my strength; why hast thou put me from thee? and why go I so heavily, while the enemy oppresseth me?  O send out thy light and thy truth, that they may lead me, and bring me unto thy holy hill, and to thy dwelling.  And that I may go unto the altar of God, even unto the God of my joy and gladness; and upo...

Eternal Death Or Eternal Life?

[ 7 minute read ] We are faced with a profound decision, one that could make for ultimate joy or everlasting sorrow. Jesus through His Church provides us with the power to hope as we confront the truth of existence and eternity. Many, of course, do not believe in an afterlife, or they wax poetic in ignorance or hold to some kind of universalist fantasy that all people, regardless of religion or creed or lack thereof, will be welcomed into a blissful post-death experience. Others are resigned to the possibility of oblivion. Others simply do not care about the subject and carry on with their material pursuits that afford them fleeting confidence in this life. In the last category, there are those who consider themselves atheists. We can choose life, or we can choose death. Some say that life is a mix of things and protest in defence of (their) greyness. Only a simpleton would deny that life has its ups and downs, but those ups and downs should not prevent us from choosing the good and av...


"I was gathered into the offering of the Son to the Father. I participated in the self-offering of God today."
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