
Showing posts from October, 2024

Eternal Death Or Eternal Life?

[ 7 minute read ] We are faced with a profound decision, one that could make for ultimate joy or everlasting sorrow. Jesus through His Church provides us with the power to hope as we confront the truth of existence and eternity. Many, of course, do not believe in an afterlife, or they wax poetic in ignorance or hold to some kind of universalist fantasy that all people, regardless of religion or creed or lack thereof, will be welcomed into a blissful post-death experience. Others are resigned to the possibility of oblivion. Others simply do not care about the subject and carry on with their material pursuits that afford them fleeting confidence in this life. In the last category, there are those who consider themselves atheists. We can choose life, or we can choose death. Some say that life is a mix of things and protest in defence of (their) greyness. Only a simpleton would deny that life has its ups and downs, but those ups and downs should not prevent us from choosing the good and av
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